Acid Mine In South Africa

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Acid mine drainage

Here are some useful resources on acid mine drainage: Feris L and Kotzé L 'The Regulation of Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Law and Governance Perspectives' (2014) Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal Vol 17 No 5; McCarthy C 'The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa' (2011) South African Journal of Science 107 (5/6)

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Potential role of acid mine drainage management towards …

Acid mine drainage has always been considered to be toxic to the environment. This paper highlights its potential role from a water resource perspective in alleviating water supply issues in the Witwatersrand gold mining region of South Africa.Relevant local and international literature on acid mine drainage (AMD) occurrence and treatment technologies …

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Full-scale Reducing And Alkalinity Producing System …

advancement of South Africa, making it the most industrialised country on the African continent (Minerals Council South Africa 2021). However, all this came at a cost as the environment is continuously being affected by polluted mine water. Mine influenced water, mainly Acid mine drainage (AMD), has turned out to be a grave environmental

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Home of BNAqua Solutions

BN Aqua Solutions was created to alleviate water shortages facing the country by treating contaminated water from Municipalities, Boreholes, Perennial Streams and Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) to SANS 241 drinking stage.. The long-term …

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Acid Mine Drainage and Human Rights

Acid Mine Drainage. Eugene is one of the Commission's valuable stakeholders who has worked on mining issues in the West Rand, Mogale City, for several years. ... 2.1 Who is affected by the development of mines? The relationship between South Africa, South …

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The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa

To understand the problem of AMD in its entirety it is necessary to take a much broader geographic view. Acid mine drainage (AMD) has received considerable coverage in the media of late and the number of short courses and workshops devoted to the topic has mushroomed. The current interest was prompted mainly by concern arising from the decanting …

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Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa

• The gold mining industry in South Africa (principally the Witwatersrand Goldfield) is in decline, but the post-closure decant of AMD is an enormous threat, and this could become worse if remedial activities are delayed or not implemented. Reference: CSIR. Briefing Note August 2009. Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa. Dr. Pat Manders.

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FluorOne Trading LLC

Acid Spar Metallurgical Grade Fluorspar Chinese & Mongolian Fluorspar Buffalo Mine, South Africa FluorOne Trading LLC. About Us. Operating out of offices in the U.S. and China, we are the world's leading experts in fluorspar supply and logistics. Since our founding in 2011, we have supplied over 1,000,000 MT of fluorspar from South Africa ...

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Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa

Takes a social science perspective on acid mine drainage (AMD) in South Africa in the context of sustainable socio-economic development; Investigates how definitional differences among interacting entities impact policy assessments, …

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Revealing the Protective Dynamics of an Ecologically …

This study investigated the Zaalklapspruit valley bottom wetland in South Africa, an ecologically engineered site influenced by acid mine drainage (AMD) from a defunct coal mine upstream. Conducted in 2022, the research aimed to elucidate the dynamics of contaminant dispersal within this wetland, focusing on the sources, pathways, and receptors of metals and …

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Acid mine drainage in South Africa: A test of …

ACID MINE DRAINAGE IN SOUTH AFRICA: A TEST OF LEGITIMACY THEORY Boitumelo Loate*, Nirupa Padia*, Warren Maroun* Abstract There is a large body of international literature which suggests that there is a correlation between organisational legitimacy, the nature and extent of non-financial disclosures in corporate reports, and

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