Bond Milling Index Of Crushed Iron Ore

Home | Bond Milling Index Of Crushed Iron Ore

High Pressure Grinding Roll and Magnetic Separation for

The theoretical basis of Bond work index to measure ore grindability is Bond's ore crushing crack theory [24,25,26]. According to the standard Bond test requirements, the bond work index test of raw materials and pre-enriched adopted a Φ305 × 305 mm standard work index ball mill, and the mill cylinder was smooth without lining.

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Bond Work Index Report Matrix House

The Work Index is used when determining the size of the mill and grinding power required to produce the required ore throughput in a ball mill. 2. Procedure 2.1. Bond Ball Mill Grindability The sample was crushed to passing 6 mesh (3.35mm), from this a 700 cc volume was measured and weighed to be used as feed for the Bond Mill.

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SAG kWh/t Measured Using a Standard Test

from 1.4 to 34 kWh/t and Bond ball mill work index values vary from 6 to 24 kW/t for the same ores. Project design tonnages varied from 200 to 150,000 t/d, SAG mill sizes varied from 10 ft ... S 1 2 Fe ROM crushed ore 0.46 20.7 17.4 - - 366 S 2 5 Au Gold ore 0.63 16.0 20.0 - - 75 S 3 8 Au 1/4 cut drill core 0.89 34.0 14.5 24.0 31.8 651 ...

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Bond Work Index Tests

The Work Index calculated from the testing can be used in the design and analysis of ball mill circuits. The test requires a minimum of 10kg of sample that has been stage-crushed to passing size of <3.35 mm. Any screen size below 600µm can be used for the testwork depending on your requirements. Bond Rod Mill Grindability Test. GSL can ...

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Aspects of roller press for the comminution of crushed iron …

Mining industries have faced a huge challenge to reduce cost, especially, in ore comminution that can reach more than 60 % of the total power consumption of mineral beneficiation plants. High-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) has been used as an alternative when combined with the traditional autogenous or semi-autogenous (AG/SAG) grinding mill in the …

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Table of Bond Abrasion Index for Varied Minerals-Materials

The Bond Abrasion Test determines the Abrasion Index, which is used to determine steel media and liner wear in crushers, rod mills, and ball mills. Bond 911 Metallurgist is a trusted resource for practical insights, solutions, and support in mineral processing engineering, helping industry professionals succeed with proven expertise. | Table of ...

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Crushing characteristics and performance evaluation of iron ore …

Due to the decreasing reserves of high-grade iron ore and secondary resources used for steelmaking, it has become an important research and development area to improve the grade of iron ore through crushing (Gul et al., 2014).The quality of iron ore crushing directly affects the performance of pellets and sinter, so as to influence the quality and performance of …

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Determination of Work Index of Muro Iron Ore Using …

The Bond work index (Wit) of the Muro iron ore using granite as the reference ore is calculated as follows: Wir = work index of reference sample (Granite) is 11 kWh/t Pr = 80% passing size of product of ball mill for the reference sample is 198.4 µm Fr = 80% passing size of feed to ball mill for the reference sample is 752.3 µm Pt = 80% ...

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Menendez et. al [13] shows a direct relationship between the Bond work index and the Denver work index when the Bond test is defined adequately to the Denver lab mill. A new size laboratory ball mill is presented [14] that is smaller in size than the standard Bond mill. Therefore, it requires smaller amount of sample and the test is faster.

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