Pt Cool Mining Indonesia

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GeoSurvey Indonesia

PT Geosurvey was founded in 2009 with the gathering of mineral experts, building and managing all fields of earth science from geology, geophysics to mining experts. The activities we often do are from exploration to mineral exploitation and mineral sales throughout Indonesia. our team of experts are graduates from USA, Australia and several ...

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Coal Mining in Indonesia

Sources: Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) & Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. During the 2000s commodities boom the coal mining industry was very lucrative as coal prices were comfortably high. Hence, many Indonesian companies and wealthy families decided to acquire coal mining concessions on Sumatra or Kalimantan in the late ...

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Batu Hijau

Macmahon has a life of mine, alliance style mining services contract at the Batu Hijau Mine in Indonesia. Batu Hijau is a large open pit, owner mined, porphyry copper-gold deposit located on Sumbawa Island in Indonesia. ... PT AMNT's mine plan includes the removal of waste to access the next stage of ore reserves with the processing of ...

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PT Berau Coal Focuses on Improving Mining Safety Standards

Head of Mining Engineering at PT Berau Coal, Feri Indrayana, revealed that the commemoration of National K3 Month in 2024 carries the national theme "Culture K3, Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintained Business Sustainability.". ... INDONESIA MINER offers partners an unsurpassed platform to reach Indonesia mining community and Global audience ...

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Kaltim Prima Coal | PT. Bumi Resources Tbk

PT Kaltim Prima Coal ("KPC") is located in the region Sangatta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia that operates the largest open-pit Mining in the world and engages in coal mining and sales for both domestic and international customers from various industrial sectors. In January 1, 2022, KPC obtained a Special Mining Business License (IUPK) from the Indonesian government to …

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PT Borneo Prima Coal Indonesia

PT Borneo Prima Coal Indonesia ("BPCI") is a private Indonesian company that holds an IUP for a coal mining concession. BPCI has received over USD 30 million in investment for a coking (metallurgical) coal deposit in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, …

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PT KTC Coal Mining & Energy: Profil, Proyek, dan

Profil Perusahaan. PT KTC Coal Mining & Energy didirikan pada tahun 2004 dan merupakan bagian dari KTC Group yang berbasis di Singapura. Dalam kurun waktu yang relatif singkat, perusahaan ini telah berhasil memperluas jangkauan operasionalnya hingga ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, termasuk Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Selatan.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
PT Titian Servis Indonesia

PT Titian Servis Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk berbagai lulusan. Cek profil PT Titian Servis Indonesia, dan lamar pekerjaannya di KitaLulus! PT Titian Servis Indonesia. Pertambangan atau Mining. 1-49 Karyawan. Informasi. Lowongan. Finance Accounting Tax Officer. PT Titian Servis Indonesia. Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Minimal S1.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
Lia A. di LinkedIn: PT. Bintang Mining Indonesia

PT. Bintang Mining Indonesia Open Vacancy Mine Plan Engineer for Site Konawe Utara dan Kolaka Utara. · Usia <45 tahun · Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Pertambangan/Geologi/ sejenis · Memiliki minimal sertifikasi POP · Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai desain tambang · Berpengalaman sebagai Spv Mine Plan Lebih disukai dari Nikel · Memiliki kemampuan dan …

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PT Minemex Indonesia

Currently, PT. Minemex Indonesia holds the mining license for an area of 3,700 Ha in the Mandiangin District, precisely in Mandiangin Village, Talang Serdang Village, Taman Dewa Village. It has been carrying out coal mining, production, hauling and sales since 2010. The operation is unique, with its own infrastructure comprising two jetties and ...

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Top 10 Mining Companies in Indonesia: Unearthing the …

Top mining company Indonesia: BUMI. PT Bumi Resources stands as Indonesia's largest coal mining company. With a market capitalization surpassing IDR 100 trillion, it is a colossus in the industry. The Bakrie family controls this company, and its coal mines are scattered across East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and South Sumatra. ...

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PT Kaltim Prima Coal – More Than Mining

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) shares with the residents of East Kutai during Ramadan 1445 Hijriah. ... M1 Building Mine Site Sangatta, Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia Phone: +62 549 52 1155 Fax: +62 549 52 1701 Email: [email protected]. Marketing And Product Inquiries Phone: +62 549 52 1216/1217 Fax: +62 549 52 1780/1914 Email: marketing ...

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