Sand Mining In Kallada River

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Spatial and Temporal Changes of Sand Mining in the Yangtze River …

1. Introduction. Over the last 20 years, the global demand for sand and gravel has tripled. This demand has been projected to double by 2060, driven by the construction and expansion of urban infrastructure [1,2].While many coastal areas in the world have been losing land, sand and gravel sources have become crucial for protecting and/or creating land in the cities and towns near …

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Impacts of River Sand Mining

A river channel is evolved into different bed form units depending on the changes in flow energy and sediment discharge through the system. Indiscriminate sand mining is one of the most destructive anthropogenic activities (Plate 4.1) hindering the natural stream bed evolution.A better understanding of the general distribution, sources, and fate of sediments is essential to …

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A comprehensive multivariate investigation of the water …

The Kallada River is a remarkable water resource in Kerala and reviving several villages through its glorifying journey. ... [35]. Currently the Kallada River is facing some serious stresses such as waste disposal, sand mining, and sewage effluents. Thus, hydrological assessment is imperative for the implementation of conservation policies of ...

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(PDF) Challenges of Maximising River Sand Exploitation in …

In recent years, urbanisation and land development have led to an increase in river sand mining activities. These activities have given rise to various problems including: river bank erosion, river bed degradation, river buffer zone encroachment and deterioration of river water quality. ... John, E. (2009). The impacts of sand mining in Kallada ...

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The environmental impacts of river sand mining

After water, sand is the most consumed natural resource in the world. It has come to a point where sand is called "the new gold" and the indiscriminate extraction of this new gold is destroying physical and biological environments all over the world (Barton N. and Mini G., 2013).Sand is a provisioning ecosystem service and often extracted from aquatic …

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Sand, rarer than one thinks

A lack of proper scientific methodology for river sand mining has led to indiscriminate sand mining (John, 2009), while weak governance and corruption have led to widespread illegal mining (Saviour, 2012; Ashraf et al., 2011). ... John, E., 2009. The impacts of sand mining in Kallada river (Pathanapuram Taluk), Kerala, Journal of basic and ...

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Analyzing the Hydrologic Variability of Kallada River, …

The Kallada river basin, located in southern Kerala, India, is one of the largest basins in Kerala, with the Kallada River with a length of 121 km and drainage area of 1700 km 2 as the major river. The river originates in Papanasam range south of Kulathupuzha in Kollam district of Kerala state at an altitude of 900 m above mean sea level (MSL) and confluencing …

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Impact of Sand Mining on Periyar Basin – IJERT

The amount of sand mining from the river is very larger than the permitted value.Sand depositions are getting exploited by mafias and negative impacts of excess sand mining is clearly seen in such regions. Even though the river is flowing, near to the place there is a big scarcity of water towards the summer season and some wells dried up ...

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ICHTHYOFAUNAL DIVERSITY OF KALLADA RIVER IN RELATION TO THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND HABITAT COMPLEXITY 1Sawmiya Udayan, 2 Sreeja. J ... The downstream region showed low diversity as, continuous sand mining activities and indiscriminate fishing activities over past few decades have resulted in a homogenous habitat and loss of fish

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