Slurry Reactor Design

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In addition these reactors also offer the advantages of high heat transfer rate, isothermal conditions of operation, reduced rate of catalyst deactivation due to washing effect of the liquid and on-line catalyst addition and withdrawal. i The objective of this project is to design and model a conceptual slurry reactor for two indirect

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Photocatalytic Reactor Design: Guidelines for Kinetic …

The most basic reactor design is the plug flow model, assuming zero axial dispersion and infinite radial dispersion. The velocity is assumed constant along the axial direction, resulting in (13) ... Slurry reactors are widely used in photocatalysis. Such reactors are obtained by dispersing photocatalyst nanoparticles in aqueous environments.

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Slurry reactor | PPT | Free Download

Slurry reactors can react solids, liquids, and gases simultaneously using a solid suspended in a liquid with gas bubbled through. Common types include bubble column reactors and Fischer-Tropsch reactors. The document describes the typical components of a slurry reactor and procedures for operation and maintenance.

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Chapter Twelve

Description of Use of Slurry Reactors Reaction and Transport Steps in a Slurry Reactor; Determining the Rate Limiting Step . Effect of Loading, Particle Size and Gas Adsorption; Effect of Shear Example CD12-1 Determining The Controlling Resistance; Slurry Reactor Design Example CD12-2 Slurry Reactor Design; Trickle Bed Reactors . Fundamentals

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(in slurry reactors usually dp' < 100-200 ~m [7] and no clear free­ board exists). Typical properties of slurry reactors, and for com­ parison packed bed co-current downflow trickle flow reactors, are summarized in Table I. Most properties indicated for slurry …

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Slurry reactor design studies

The objective of these studies was to perform a realistic evaluation of the relative costs of tublar-fixed-bed and slurry reactors for methanol, mixed alcohols and Fischer-Tropsch syntheses under conditions where they would realistically be expected to operate. The slurry Fischer-Tropsch reactor was, therefore, operated at low H{sub 2}/CO ratio on gas directly from a Shell gasifier. …

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Influences of fluid physical properties, solid particles, and …

The global hydrodynamic parameters in the slurry reactors behave quite differently due to the presence of solid particles, and in turn the variations of hydrodynamic parameters affect the bubble formation, bubble size and its distribution [30], [31], [32].Influences of the particle properties, including solid concentration, solid density, solid particle size, and wettability, on the ...

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Slurry Reactor

Slurry bubble reactors are a version of the fluidized bed reactors, however, in a three-phase system, that is the catalyst is suspended in a liquid through which the feed gas is bubbled as shown in Fig. 19.6.They are therefore employed for LTFT with high molecular mass liquid waxes as the main product, which naturally serves as the liquid phase of the reactor (Dry, 1996).

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Slurry Reactor

It introduces the progress of numerical simulation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the rational design of slurry reactors and discusses difficulties in modeling. Finally, it presents …

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Chemical Reactor Design and Technology

Chemical Reactor Design and Technology Download book PDF. Overview Editors: Hugo I. Lasa 0; Hugo I. Lasa. Faculty of Engineering Science, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada ... Slurry Reactors, Fundamentals and Applications. A. A. C. M. Beenackers, W. P. M. van Swaaij; Pages 463-538. Download chapter PDF Hydrodynamics of Trickle ...

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Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering

The basic reaction and transport steps in trickle bed reactors are similar to slurry reactors. The main differences are the correlations used to determine the mass transfer coefficients. ... The plug-flow design equation may be applied successfully provided that the ratio of reactor length L to particle diameter d p satisfies the criterion ...

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Slurry Reactors for Gas-to-Liquid Processes: A Review

The slurry reactor has the advantages of simple construction, excellent heat transfer performance, online catalyst addition and withdrawal, and a reasonable interphase mass transfer rate with low energy input, which make it very suitable for gas-to-liquid processes. ... Conceptual Design of a Fischer–Tropsch Reactor in a Gas-to-Liquid Process ...

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Modelling of slurry reactors. A fundamental approach

The design of reactors using this model will often give poor ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION The most commonly used models up to now for describing bubble columns and slurry re- actors, are the so-called dispersion models. A gen- eral steady state, two-dimensional, one-phase, axisymmetric dispersion model can be written: .!~-(rpve) /~-(pue) = (1) The ...

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Slurry Reactors: Design & Phase Reactor | Vaia

Slurry reactor design: Key components include reactor vessel, agitation system, heat exchangers, and solid-liquid separator, crucial for effective chemical reactions. Slurry phase reactor : Utilizes suspension of solid catalysts in a liquid to enhance surface area and mass transfer, widely used in petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.

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Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis in Slurry Bubble Column Reactors

This paper presents an extensive review of the kinetics, hydrodynamics, mass transfer, heat transfer and mathematical as well as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of Low-Temperature Tropsch Synthesis (LTFT) synthesis in Slurry Bubble Column Reactors (SBCRs), with the aim of identifying potential research and development areas in this …

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Progress in Technology and Catalysts for Continuous …

reactor is much higher than the first reactor. Then the HDPE slurry from the second reactor is sent to the post-reactor to reduce dissolved monomer, and no monomer recovery is needed. Recently, Basell has boasted that Hostalen (Advanced Cascade Process, ACP) process is three reactors in cascade, enabling the production of multimodal HDPE resins.

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