Flotation Machines For Pyrite Ore Copper Ore

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Flotation of Arizona Copper Ore

The first test-mill consisted of two sets of rolls, one Chilean mill, one Hardinge conical mill 6 ft. diam. by 12 in. cylinder, Richards hindered-settling classifier, Deister tables, some kind of vanner, and a 50-ton Minerals Separation flotation machine of standard type (Hoover's single-level apparatus). This mill was situated in Arizona ...

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Current Status of Copper-Ore Processing: A Review

slates, and copper-pyrite deposits in Russia. The ores of sulfide copper-nickel, copper-pyrite deposits, and ores of copper sandstones and slates are primarily pro-cessed abroad. The amount of copper in copper sand-stones and slates varies from 1 to 6%, in sulfide cop-per-nickel ores from 1.1 to 4.9%, in copper-pyrite ores

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Copper Gold Sulfide Ore – Flotation & Cyanidation Tests

Apparently the use of more than 0.04 pound of xanthate per ton of ore resulted only in flotation of more pyrite. Copper recovery in rougher concentrates was approximately 90 percent. Simple cleaning in one stage without additional reagents produced concentrates carrying 19.8 to 25.3 percent copper, representing from 82.7 to 81.6 percent recovery.

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Silver Gold Recovery Flotation Process

Flotation may also prove to be the more economical process for an ore containing such minerals as stibnite, copper-bearing sulphides, tellurides, etc., which require roasting before cyanidation, since it reduces the tonnage passing through the furnace to a fraction of the original feed with considerable reduction of working costs in consequence.

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Processing Gold Ore by Flotation

Much of the copper pyrite in the ore readily floats on water without any previous agitation. On treating ore containing $25 gold direct by agitation and flotation, without amalgamating or concentrating on tables, it was proved that fine free gold can be floated by using eucalyptus oil. ... thence to the flotation machines. It is presumed that ...

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Copper Sulfide Flotation

This is a very practical arrangement and often a necessity when handling wet, sticky ore. There is evidence that this combination of crushing and grinding results in lower costs for reducing large tonnages of ore to flotation …

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Developments in Flotation Flotation of Nickel Sulde Minerals Collectorless Wotation It is known that chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite can be Soated without collectors at electrode potentials of #400 mV and #50 mV respectively, and pyrite does not Soat even at #700 mV. The underlying mechanism causing hy-drophobicity, although obscure, is attributed ...

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Copper Ore Processing Methods

Ores containing coarse sulfides of copper and oxidized ores containing cuprite, which respond to both gravity and flotation methods; these may be concentrated by gravity methods to recover the coarser particles and the tailing from the gravity machines by flotation; or fine-grinding and flotation only may be used.

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