Approval Conditions For Quarries

Home | Approval Conditions For Quarries

History | National Quarries

Upon approval of the U.S. Authorities, Government re-opened the quarrying activities at Verdant Vale. However, this was subject to certain conditions. Firstly, all materials extracted from this location had to be used on Government approved projects, and secondly, whenever needed, these lands had to be vacated within two (2) days notice.

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On 14 September 2015, Oberon Quarries was granted approval of the Oberon Quarry Continuation Project Development Consent (SSD_6333) (Development Consent) by the NSW Minister for Planning to extend the ... conditions and Statement of Commitments relevant to this plan is provided in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 respectively, including a checklist of ...

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South Coast Concrete Crushing and Recycling

The Minister for Planning approved the continuation and expansion of extractive operations at the quarry pursuant to section 75J of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 on 1 December 2009 (the Project Approval). Condition 5 of Schedule 5 of the Approval requires an Independent Environmental Audit to be

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Pavements, materials and geotechnical

Approved products and suppliers. Bridges and structures approved products and suppliers; Intelligent transport systems and electrical approved products and suppliers; Pavements materials and geotechnical; Traffic engineering and road safety approved products

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Chapter 4

Transpor- tation agencies commonly provide lists of pre-approved/approved sources of aggregates for use in pavement construction on their website. Approving an aggregate source …

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Boral Quarries Wollert

The Wollert Quarry satisfies its obligations under Work Authority 102 for environmental emissions. Quarries, by nature, generate dust, noise and heavy vehicle movements. Activities are monitored by Boral and mitigated to acceptable standards within …

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Save Balickera | Stop the Quarries

Stop the Quarries. By Michael Parris. July 10 2024 – 5:00am. A Port Stephens community group says it is "shocked" after the NSW Independent Planning Commission approved the new Eagleton rock quarry near Raymond Terrace.. EcoNetwork Port Stephens spokesperson Nigel Waters said the Balickera quarry would erode the area's natural and social amenity and …

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expedite the approval process and ensure a quick turnaround from application submission to approval issuance. For certain projects, the opportunity for public input by way of a public notice must be provided. Applications are reviewed by Alberta Environment approvals staff and approved by a Director designated to do so under EPEA.

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Landscape Management Plan

An area of 106.6ha is proposed to be secured for conservation purposes (the Approved Biodiversity Offset Area) in satisfaction of Condition 15 and Condition 16 of SSD 4978 which states the following. 15. The Applicant shall implement the …

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Variation to Conditions Attached to Approval

associated infrastructure, except for the ballast quarries, are located and constructed within the Rail Corridor delineated by the co- ordinates in Attachment B to this decision. 2. The approval holder must, prior to undertaking any construction of the ballast quarries identified in Table 1 of Attachment A to this decision, ensure that the proposed locations of the ballast quarries

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Boral Quarries Stockton (Fullerton Cove)

The Stockton Sand Quarry was approved by the Minister for Planning in January 2006. The consent (DA 140-6-2005) sets out the operating, environmental and reporting conditions the quarry must comply with throughout its operational life. The Stockton Quarry approval has been modified two times since its initial granting.

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8 November 2019

Page 2 of 8 Some of the key issues that affect the sector and our ability to deliver affordable infrastructure includes: Timeliness – little recognition or understanding of resource availability or approval processes. Lengthy processes to approve new quarries reduces the appetite for investment; Inadequate Protection of Quarrying Resources – the rezoning of adjacent land for

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Aggregate Source Approval | WSDOT

Select the source and follow the link to that source's on-line Aggregate Source Approval report. Use the 'Information' tab for instructions on Navigation Tools, Coordinate Locator, Layer Controls, Attribute Table Display and Information Tools. Submitting aggregate for approval. To initiate the submittal process, contact the ASA Engineer at ASA.

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Dust Management at Pits & Quarries

Approval (ECA), through the Environmental Protection Act (EPA). An ECA is required if the facility operates a ... weather conditions (wind and precipitation) and the controls in place at site. Typically, aggregate activities generate larger particulate matter ... OSSGA Environmental Management Guide for Pits and Quarries (revised in 2016 ...

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Boral Peppertree Quarry

The quarry was developed as a replacement resource for the Penrith Lakes quarries at Emu Plains in western Sydney, which ceased extraction during September 2015. ... The Project Approval (06_0074) sets out the operating, …

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NYSDOT Approved Aggregate Sources* for Hot Mix …

NYSDOT Approved Aggregate Sources* for Hot Mix Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Release Date: 3/2/2020 * Map extent does not include all currently approved out- of- sta eg ru c NYSDOT. Consult the tabular List of Approved Aggregate Sources f o ra cm pl eti sng uy v d . Basemaps from USGS, National Geographic, and ESRI.

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Management of Aggregate Resources

quarries that operated before the Act came into effect and were abandoned. Our audit found that the Ministry is falling short in . balancing its competing roles of facilitating the extrac-tion of aggregate resources and minimizing the impacts of aggregate operations, particularly through its role in regulating the industry to ensure approval ...

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McIntyre Quarries

McIntyre Quarries was proud to supply filter sand for all stages of the Western Highway Duplication Upgrades – Section 1, 2 and 3. We worked closely with the Principle Contactors (BMD, Lend Lease and John Holland) to ensure the …

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Quarry Design

This information sheet has been developed by the Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee (QNJAC) to help quarry operators, contractors, managers and others make health and safety …

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RB026 Guide to Content for Energy Project Approval …

EPEA Approval, which identifies the applicant's obligations and responsibilities for design, construction, operation, and reclamation of an industrial plant or facility. The submitted application may serve as a foundation for the approval and pertinent portions may be incorporated into the approval terms and conditions.

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