Unemployment The Cause Of Conflicts In Mining Areas

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Unemployment and Implications to Social and Political …

implications to social and political conflict. It is concerned with youth opinions regarding the causes of youth frustration and unrest, causes of unemployment, who and what youth regard as responsible for the problems they face, their aspirations, attitudes regarding social and political conflict in urban centres of Zimbabwe, youth

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Causes of unemployment

A look at the main causes of unemployment – including demand deficient, structural, frictional and real wage unemployment. Main causes of unemployment. 1. Frictional unemployment. This is unemployment caused by the time people take to move between jobs, e.g. graduates or people changing jobs.

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Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia causes and recommended …

ethnic conflict, in Maluku Island and Poso in Central Sulawesi, to examine the underlying factors that triggered the initial conflicts. In addition, the case studies also provide useful information about the chronology of conflict within both areas in more detail and explain how the conflict evolved into large-scale violence. With regard to the

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Youth Unemployment Challenges in Mining Areas of …

Mining, conflicts and livelihood struggles in a dysfunctional policy environment: the case of Wassa West District, Ghana ... To have a better understanding of the problem, the main survey focused on local peoples' perceptions on unemployment: causes and effects; past and current efforts being made to arrest the situation; development partners ...

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Conflicts between mining companies and communities: …

Incompatible goals between stakeholders (e.g., preserving natural resources and historical property) and mining companies (e.g., increasing company revenues) often produce conflicts that are not easy to resolve in symbiotic ways (Banerjee et al., 2021).The ICMM notes that the primary causes (i.e., the triggers for protests or use of force) and the underlying causes (i.e., the …

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Causes of Conflict in Indonesia

Causes of Conflict in Indonesia . Sidney Jones ... there was substantial migration to these areas of Muslims from Sulawesi and elsewhere. As a result, the population balance shifted, but jobs that had traditionally been the preserve of the Christian elite started going to some of the newcomers who happened to be Muslim and it led to a situation ...

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Addressing the Galamsey Menace: Opportunity and …

conflict is more prevalent in mining communities with predominantly primary occupations. This is further corroborated by his finding that predominantly rural mining communities reported higher incidence of conflict than urban mining communities. He also revealed that conflict tend to increase with youth unemployment in these communities.

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Mine Operations in South Africa: Community and …

protests in the mining industries is becoming tremendously huge in a way that it endangers people's lives and the mining companies losing millions of rands. The communities in the mining areas, their benefits are shallow, Mine Operations in South Africa: Community and Employee Reactions . Sebonkile C. Thaba, Member, IAENG

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Conflicts in the Middle East Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is one factor that has led to increased conflict and division in some areas in the Middle East?, Which event was a root cause of the Isreali-Palestinian conflicts?, Why did Sunni control of government in Iraq create tension in that country? and more.

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An assessment of the impact of mining on the …

30 Environmental rights violated by mining in Mapanzure area Right to a safe and sustainable environment The right of the people of Mapanzure to live in a healthy and sustainable environment has been violated by the mining companies operating in the area. Not only large scale mining companies have contributed to this problem, the small scale ...

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operations effectively and implement this Protocol). Another definition of armed conflicts is given by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) report which comprehensively measured armed conflicts as the death resulting from political violence, civil and communal conflicts, violence against civilians, rioting and protesting and

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factors that cause political conflict are due to structural problems, namely regulatory policies, in this case, Government Regulation No. 78/2010 concerning Reclamation and Post-Mining. Political conflicts occur because of different interests or a belief that the aspirations of the parties to a conflict cannot be achieved simultaneously.

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MANAGEMENT OF MINING-RELATED CONFLICTS IN THE ASUTIFI NORTH DISTRICT, GHANA. ... unemployment etc., as a major cause of conflict in the district. It was realized that the success of maintaining a relatively ... conflicts have become more frequent in areas where extractive activities are in operation resulting in a confrontation between local ...

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