Cultural Uses Of Al

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Food of the Gods: Cure for Humanity? A Cultural History of …

The medicinal use of cacao, or chocolate, both as a primary remedy and as a vehicle to deliver other medicines, originated in the New World and diffused to Europe in the mid 1500s. These practices originated among the Olmec, Maya and Mexica (Aztec). The word cacao is derived from Olmec and the subsequent Mayan languages (kakaw); the chocolate-related term cacahuatl is …

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Epistemic cultural constraints on the uses of psychology

The disparate nature of the uses of psychology suggest that cultural context determines the epistemic ground upon which the mind in its function, form, pathology, and discursive contours is defined. ... and a sense of free will (Klein et al., 2004). Individualism as a cultural frame is reinforced in the practices of talk therapy, popular ...

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Folk Pottery of Alabama

The characteristics of Alabama folk pottery reflect the two main American stoneware traditions: salt glazed and alkaline glazed. Salt glazing, the most common type of glaze for early stoneware, was brought to Alabama by …

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Piper umbellatum L.: A comparative cross-cultural analysis of …

Piper umbellatum is a Neotropical plant species widely distributed in Mexico, Central America, South America and the West Indian Islands. It has also been introduced to Africa and South-East Asia. Traditional uses for this plant are recorded in 24 countries in three continents, America, Africa and Asia for a wide range of ailments such as kidney, women diseases, …

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‪Mahmoud A. Al-Khatib‬

Mahmoud A. Al-Khatib. Professor, Departement of English & Linguistics, Jordan University of Science & Technology. Verified email at ... Language, culture and curriculum 7 (2), 161-174, 1994. 37: 1994: Language and Cultural Shift Among the Kurds of Jordan. MA Al-Khatib, MN Al-Ali. Sky Journal of Linguistics 23, 2010. 35:

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Cultural Resource Management

OAR is the administrator of the Alabama State Archaeological Site File and progenitors of the Alabama Online Cultural Resources Database. OAR also manages the National Archaeological Database Bibliography for Alabama and …

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Insects as Food: History, Culture, and Modern Use around …

Insects have played a far greater role in the cultural histories of the people on Earth than is generally recognized (Posey, 1976, Meyer-Rochow, 2004).The influence of insects in humans' lives can be felt in so many culturally-related connections, ranging from basic living needs, such as food, medicine, and self-preservation to more humanistic uses, such as …

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Cross-cultural differences in uses of online experts

The theoretical grounding for this study is the intersection of literature on online reviewer expertise and cross-cultural service responses, integrated with the role of product types. Fig. 1 contains the conceptual framework, which resonates with Zhang et al.'s (2008) presentation of a framework for consumer service experiences and culture ...

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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences

Makhana in Nutritional, Medicinal and Socio - Cultural Uses in the Koshi - Mithila Region of Bihar Meenu Sodi1, Sanjib Kumar2* 1 Research ... al. also detected 0.02% calcium, 0.9% phosphorus and 0.0014% iron in makhana pops whereas Kumar et al. recorded 0.0532% phosphorus, 0.0014% iron with 358 ...

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A Bornean database of plant uses and their cultural contexts

Cultural uses of plants is recorded from 39 of native ethnicities of Borneo, representing 13 % the 306 officially recognized ethnicities of Borneo. ... [15]; we also consulted Arifin et al. [16]. In the second component, we listed a selection of search terms related to cultural uses and relevant synonyms. The full search string can be found in ...

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Cultural Uses, Ecosystem Services, and Nutrient Profile of …

Naxi, Tibetan, Bai, Yi, and Han communities in the Hengduan Mountain region of China's western Yunnan have an extensive history of cultivating flowering quince (Chaenomeles speciosa [Sweet] Nakai; Rosaceae; Fig. 1).Flowering quince is cultivated and utilized by communities for food, medicine, and as a windbreak barrier and soil protector at the edges of …

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tions, as cultural uses. In communities where cultural uses of mercury are believed to be prevalent, the availability of mercury in spe-cialty shops called botanicas has been well documented (Riley et al. 2001; Wendroff 1990; Zayas and Ozuah 1996). Both the technologic applications and cul-tural uses of mercury provide the opportunity

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The History and Cultural Significance of Fluorite Gemstones

Cultural Uses. Fluorite gemstones have played significant roles in different cultures around the world. In Native American cultures, they were used by spiritual leaders during ceremonies to enhance their connection with the spiritual realm. The vibrant colors of fluorite were believed to represent different aspects of nature and spirituality.

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Cultural uses of non-timber forest products among the …

We have identified cultural uses of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in the Sts'ailes, a group within the central Coast Salish First Nation in British Columbia, Canada. ... Turner et al., 2000). Historically, the cultural ceremonies were essential in Coast Salish (Amoss, 1977). NTFPs are still used in ceremonial rites and spiritual practices ...

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