Mining Proposal Guidelines

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Mining Proposal Guidance

The Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals are the guidelines as defined in section 70O of the Mining Act and mandate the form and content of information required in a mining proposal. This guidance document relates to Part 1 of the Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals. The Part 1 …

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Document Hierarchy for Mining Development and …

Environmental Objectives Policy for Mining Guidelines This Document . Procedures . Environmental Application Administrative Procedures . ... The purpose of this guideline is to the preparation of a assist Development and Mining Closure Proposal (MDCP) in accordance with the: Mining Act 1978 (Mining Act) and the Mining Regulations 1981 ...

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Mining Rehabilitation Fund Reporting Guidelines

8 | Guidelines – Mining Rehabilitation Fund Reporting Guidelines 1.2.2 Mining Operations Mining operations are activities that are carried out (or infrastructure that is installed) under approved Mining Proposals. Most mining proposals are accompanied by Mine Closure Plans that set out the closure obligations associated with approved activities.

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Mineral regulatory guidelines

These guidelines provide instructions for use of the SARIG mapping portal to locate, identify and process groundwater data for a mining proposal and program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR). Keywords: Early exploration activities 40 Aboriginal culture learning framework (PDF 255 KB)

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Mining Proposal Guidance

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Mining Proposal template for small operations Page 1 of 11 Release Classification: - not for web Version: May 2013 ... This form may be used only for agreed small mining operations, as an alternative to the formats required in the Guidelines for Mining Proposals in Western Australia . Please refer to these

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MINING PROPOSAL FOR SMALL MINING OPERATIONS This is the pro forma for the submission of mining proposals under Part 2 of the Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals. To be considered small mining operations for the purposes of these guidelines: 1. The activities must not be for the mining of uranium, mineral sands or rare earth elements; and 2.

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This is the pro forma for the submission of mining proposals under Part 2 of the Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals. To be considered small mining operations for the purposes of these guidelines: 1. The activities must not be for the mining of uranium, mineral sands or rare earth elements; and. 2. The activities must be limited to the ...

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Lodge a mining proposal

All mining proposals must include a Mine Closure Plan. Please refer to Prepare a mine closure plan for more information. Approved mining proposals will be made available to the public via …

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Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Mining

The EHS Guidelines for Mining are applicable to underground and open-pit mining, alluvial mining, solution mining, and marine dredging. Extraction of raw materials for construction products are addressed in the EHS Guidelines for Construction Materials Extraction. This document is organized according to the following sections:

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All other mining proposals and mine closure plans must be risk and outcomes based Part 1 embeds the mandatory requirements of the existing 2016 mining proposal Guidelines, such as mining proposals including a risk assessment, environmental outcomes and a description of the environmental management system that will be implemented.

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Mining Proposals (WA)

Under s74(1)(ca) of the Mining Act 1978 requires an application for a mining lease must be accompanied by either a mining proposal (or a statement and mineralisation report) ... Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals took effect on the 3 March 2020 and supersedes previous guidelines from 2016 and 2006. There are 2 parts to the Guidelines:

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PERLIB01-#29398-v1-Article Recent Developments in …

mining proposal Guidelines, such as mining proposals including a risk assessment, environmental outcomes and a description of the environmental management system that will be implemented. DMIRS continues to encourage the submission of mining proposals for entire operations; however mining proposals for specific activities can also be submitted in

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Environmental Objectives Policy for Mining

Legislation Mining Act 1978 Statutory Documents Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals. Statutory Guidelines for Mine Closure Plans. Policy Environmental Regulatory Strategy. This Document. Guidelines Mining Proposal Guidance – How to Prepare in accordance with Part 1 of the Statu-tory Guidelines for Mining Proposals.

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Annual Environmental Report Guideline

Mining Proposal or Mine Closure Plan details that combining activities reduces the closure risk, reference to that approval can be provided in the AER as justification for the reporting decision. Proponents should seek advice from DMIRS prior to submitting an AER if they have any specific reporting queries or

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Discussion Paper – Mining Development and Closure …

A MDCP will replace the existing requirement for submission of a Mining Proposal (MP) inclusive of a Mine Closure Plan (MCP) under the Mining Act, meaning only a single document will be required to seek approval for mining ... 2020 Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals and Mine Closure Plans. Current Mining Proposal Requirements Cover Page ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

MINING PROPOSAL FOR SMALL MINING OPERATIONS This is the pro forma for the submission of mining proposals under Part 2 of the Statutory Guidelines for Mining Proposals. To be considered small mining operations for the purposes of these guidelines: 1. The activities must not be for the mining of uranium, mineral sands or rare earth elements; and 2.

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