World Bank Air Emissions Aluminum Smelting

Home | World Bank Air Emissions Aluminum Smelting

Environmental Pollution Induced By an Aluminium …

The Aluminium smelter at Ikot Abasi city is in the southern part of Nigeria where aluminium smelting activities have been on-going for more than a decade. It is the second largest producer of primary aluminium in the world (BNW News, 2004; World Bank, 2009). The smelting site is located at latitude 4. o. 34´N and longitude 7. o

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Greenhouse gas emissions and future development trends …

GHG emissions from aluminum smelting were 363.62 Mt CO 2-eq in 2020, which was the largest sub-process of emissions in CPAI, with a high share of 79%. Electricity emissions were the largest source of GHG emissions, accounting for more than 60%, with a maximum of 70.5%. ... China's per capita GDP data comes from the World Bank (The World Bank ...

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Competitiveness Carbon Pricing Scenarios for Solar PV

3 Competitiveness of Global Aluminum Supply Chains Under Carbon-Pricing Scenarios Al Aluminum ASI Aluminum Stewardship Initiative CAPEX Capital expenditures CBAM EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent EU European Union EVs Electric vehicles GCC Gulf Cooperation Council GHG Greenhouse gas …

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Greening aluminium: The urgent need to reduce emissions

In 2022, aluminium production grew by 3.9%, from 104.1 million tonnes to 108.2 million. However, greenhouse gas emissions from the industry showed a slight decline from 1.13 giga-tonnes CO 2 e to 1.11 giga-tonnes CO 2 e, and the GHG emissions intensity of primary aluminium production (the average quantity of emissions from the production of a tonne of …

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World Bank Document

• Emissions to air • Wastewater • Solid waste Emissions to Air Glass manufacturing is a high -temperature, energy-intensive activity, resulting in the emission of combustion by-products (sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides) and the high-temperature oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen. Furnace

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Global primary aluminum smelters' CO

The expansion of aluminum smelter capacity generates high CO 2 emissions, exhibiting spatiotemporal diversity due to diverse processing routes and technologies. Despite extensive discussions on macro abatement options, facility-specific mitigation potentials and decarbonization strategies remain unclear, which cumulatively affects the progress towards …

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start here quick sheet

World Bank EHS Guidelines (for Small Producing Mining Companies) Start Here: World Bank EHS Guidelines (for Small Producing Mining Companies) 2 ... 6 2.1 Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality 12 2.2 Land Use and Biodiversity 14 2.3 Energy Use 17 2.4 Water 23 3. CoMMunITy HEalTH and SaFETy ... nickel and aluminum smelting. Care should be taken

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BHP Billington Mozal aluminium smelter, Mozambique

Their method for rehabilitation was that the smelter would bypass its pollution filters for 4 months, emitting tars and toxic gases directly into the air, while it repaired its corroded air filter systems. ... UK government and World Bank among investors accused of benefiting disproportionately from lucrative Mozal smelter (8 Jan. 2013 ...

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Air pollution in the aluminum industry

Table I-Emissions from primary aluminum industry, 1970 Emissions (tons) Pot- Bake Pollutant rooms plants Total Tolal fluorine 23,200 650 23,850 Gaseous fluorides 10,200 600 10,800 Fluorine in parliculales 13,000 50 13,050 Tolal solids 52,800 4,200 57,000 treat the building's total air flow and emissions (Fig. 5, 6).

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Aluminum Industry and Environmental Impacts

After iron, aluminum is the second most widely used metal globally. The element aluminum is abundant in the world and is taken from nature in the form of bauxite mineral, which constitutes 8% of the earth's crust (Çakanyıldırım & Gürü, 2021). ... Alumina refining and aluminum smelting are responsible for over 90% of aluminum production ...

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Fluoride Emissions Management Guide (FEMG) for …

the pre-bake aluminium smelting industry. Region World Benchmark Europe - Iceland Europe / OSPAR USA-EPA Regulated Airborne Emissions Limits for Total Fluoride (kg F/t Al) 0.2 [6, 7] 0.35 [1] 0.6 [8] 0.6-1.5* [9] * The limit of 1.5 kg F/t Al is only applicable to older potlines as specified in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air ...

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World Bank Document

Aluminum production often comes with a large carbon footprint. Greenhouse gas emissions arise across the supply chain, from bauxite mining, through alumina refining to aluminum smelting. The importance of aluminum to the low-carbon energy transition, the competitiveness challenges many producers face, the volatility

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Summary of Air Emission and Effluent Discharge …

Summary of Air Emission and Effluent Discharge Requirements Presented ... WORLD BANK GROUP Effective July 1998. Table 1. Air Emission Requirements: Parameters and Maximum Values ... Aluminum manufacturing 6–9 150 50 20 ≤ 3° C HC: 5 Base metal and iron ore mining 6–9 150 50 10 Free: 0.1 WAD: 0.5 Total: 1.0

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World Bank Document

The EHS Guidelines for Smelting & Refining cover information relevant to base metal smelting and refining of lead, zinc, copper, nickel, and aluminum. It does not include the mining and …

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Project Information Document (PID)

with the guideline value of 0.02 mg per m3 in the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines3 for Base Metal Smelting and Refining (2007). Issuance of technical specifications for application and emission permits for non-ferrous metal industry lead and zinc smelting (HJ863.1-2017) and for non-ferrous metal industry copper ...

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