Mining Act Cap 306 Kenyatitles

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Mining Act (Cap. 306).

Mining Act (Cap. 306). Country/Territory Kenya Document type Legislation Date 1940 (2006) Source FAO, FAOLEX Long title An Act of Parliament to consolidate the law relating to mining. Subject Mineral resources, Water Keyword Mining Exploration ...

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Mining CAP. 306 [Subsidiary] DECLARATION OF CONSTRUCTION MINERALS [Legal Notice 62 of 2017] IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Mining Act, the Cabinet …

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Mining Act, Chapter 306 Laws of Kenya

THE MINING ACT No. 12 of 2016 Date of Assent: 6th May, 2016 Date of Commencement: 27th May, 2016 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTION Section 'd 1 -Short title ... formed by two meridians of longitude and two parallels of Cap.488. latitude of the Cadastral Graticule spaced fifteen seconds apart; "Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary for

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MINING ACT 1965. PART 1 GENERAL [ss 1– 16] [MIN 1] s 1 Short title [MIN 2] s 2 Interpretation [MIN 3] s 3 Reservation to the State of minerals [MIN 4] s 4 Power to prohibit prospecting for specified minerals and to grant exclusive rights ...

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MINING ACT CHAPTER 306 Revised Edition 2012 [1987] Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General [Rev. 2012] Mining CAP. 306 M19 - 3 [Issue 1] CHAPTER 306 MINING ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I – PRELIMINARY AND GENERAL Section 1. Short title. 2. Interpretation.

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The Mining Act of 2016 replaced Mining Act CAP 306 where artisanal mining has been recognised as a legal activity. However, there are no specific regulations on the health and safety provisions for exploration and mining operations. Therefore, as Kenya develops its mining industry a key focus for policy makers is to ensure

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Act No. 39 of 1968, Act No. 12 of 1970, Act No. 3 of 1980, Act No. 18 of 1986, Act No. 13 of 1988, Act No. 6 of 1989, Act No. 6 of 2006, Act No. 17 of 2006.] PART I – PRELIMINARY AND GENERAL 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Mining Act. 2. Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

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loi sur l exploitation minière cap 306 kenyatitles. Loi n° 001 du 1 6 Avril 2001 portant code minier (1) Dès réception de la demande d'occupation privative des terrains en vue

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The Mines and Minerals Act, 2015

15 Priority of applications for mining rights Single copies of this Act may be obtained from the Government Printer P.O. Box 30136, 10101 Lusaka. Price K86.00. 16. Mining right for area subject to other rights ... the Companies Act; Cap. 1 Act No. 9 of 2006 Act No. 9 of 2006 Cap. 321 Cap. 388 Act No. 14 of 2015 Act No. 14 of 2015

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Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act 33 of 1992

39. Transfer of mining claims, and grant, cession or assignment of interests in mining claims, and joinder of persons as joint holders of such mining claims or interests . 40. Directions to holders of mining claims . 41. General terms and conditions of registration of mining claims . 42. Work programmes of prospecting operations and mining ...

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THE MINING ACT CHAPTER 306 Revised Edition 2022 Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General [Rev. 2022] Mining CAP. 306 CHAPTER 306 MINING ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I – PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Section 1. Short title 2. Scope of the Act

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This Act may be cited as the Mining Act, 2016. 2. Scope of the Act (1) This Act shall apply to the minerals specified in the First Schedule. (2) The Cabinet Secretary may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, amend the First Schedule to this Act. 3. Act not to apply to petroleum and hydrocarbon gases

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The Mining (Use Of Local Goods And Services) Regulations

The holder shall include sufficient information with the notifications to enable the Director of Mines assess the subject matter and to be satisfied that the requirements for Kenya content regarding the use of local goods and services have been complied with by the holder and its contractors, sub-contractors or any other entity working for the holder.

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The Mining (Licence and Permit) Regulations

Part I – PRELIMINARY 1. Citation These Regulations may be cited as the Mining (Licence and Permit) Regulations. 2. Interpretation In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires— "Act" means the Mining Act (); "application date" means the date (day/month/year) and time (hour/minute/second) recorded respectively as (dd/mm/yyyy) and …

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Mining Act (Cap. 306).

Mining Act (Cap. 306). Country. Kenya. Type of law. Legislation. Date of original text. 1940. Source FAO, FAOLEX Keywords. Fines; Abstract. This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals, except mineral oil, in Kenya. The Act states that all unextracted minerals (other than common minerals) under or upon any land are ...

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Mining Act [Cap 146]

AN ACT TO REPEAL THE MINING ORDINANCE AND TO MAKE BETTER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PROSPECTING FOR AND MINING PRECIOUS METALS AND OTHER MINERALS [16th December, 1966] PART I-GENERAL. Short title. 1. This Act may be cited as the Mining Act. Interpretation. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -

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Mining Act (Cap. 306).

Mining Act (Cap. 306). This content is exclusively provided by FAO / FAOLEX / ECOLEX. This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals, except mineral oil, in Kenya. The Act states that all unextracted minerals (other than common minerals) under or upon any land are vested in the Government. Certain classes of land are ...

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The Mining Act | Laws of Jamaica

Preamble: An act to control and regulate mines and mining and for matters relating thereto and connected therewith. Long Title: . Short Title: The Mining Act. Operational Date: October 13, 1947. Number: of 1947. Last Amendment: January 1, 1995. Download: Click here to download

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Mining CAP. 306 [Subsidiary] DECLARATION OF CONSTRUCTION MINERALS [Legal Notice 62 of 2017] IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Mining Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Mining declares the minerals specified in the Schedule hereto to be construction minerals. SCHEDULE Agglomerates Basalt Breccia Calcrete Calc siliate ...

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Mining Act 2016

The Mining Act Cap. 306, The Trading in Unwrought Precious Metals Act Cap. 309 and; The Diamond Industry Protection Act Cap. 310. Any Regulation that was made under the repealed laws should continue to be in force in so long as they are consistent with the Act until such a time when they are revoked by the Cabinet Secretary.

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The Mining (Community Development Agreement) Regulations

CAP. 306 MINING. The Mining (Community Development Agreement) Regulations. Read Subsidiary Legislation Info. Contents. 1. Citation. 2. Interpretation. Act. Agreement. Cabinet Secretary. ... be agreed with the holder and shall be treated as deductions that the holder may be entitled to under the Income Tax Act (Cap. 470). 11.

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Mining Act (Cap. 306).

This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals, except mineral oil, in Kenya. The Act states that all unextracted minerals (other than common minerals) under or …

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