Stone Crushing Industry Of Sargodha

Home | Stone Crushing Industry Of Sargodha

Determination of heavy metals and Morpho-anatomical …

The current investigation was carried out to examine the population dynamics in the vegetation growing in the severe dust pollution caused by the stone crushing industry in Sargodha's Kirana Hills. The floristic composition of the area was completed and study sites were chosen through a thorough survey. Data about dust, soil, and vegetation were gathered from all study sites at all …

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Stone-crushing workers lack safety measures

Asia's largest stone crushing industry in Sargodha covers a vast area near 'Pull 111'. The mountainous range spans over hundreds of acres of land and these resources are being used for the past many decades. In the past, these rocks and stones were transported to strengthen the banks of rivers and canals. This supply of stones continues but now ...

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Sargodha crush now delivery available in Lahore directly from Pasban stone crushing plant Sargodha… #sargodhacrush #sargodhabajri #sargodhacrushsupplier #sargodhacrushwholesalerate...

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