Gangue Ground

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12. Supergene Ore and Gangue Characteristics

In the traditional view, supergene ore and gangue minerals are the products of reactions between hypogene sulfide minerals and descending, acidic meteoric waters; these processes take place at or near the ground surface in subaerial environments (Guilbert and Park, 1986). In VMS deposits, copper and other metals are mobilized from primary massive

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Gangue grouting filling in subsequent space of coal green …

A precise slurry system was established on the ground to produce a slurry of coal gangue, water, and additives with a certain mass fraction. Then, the gangue slurry was transported through a pipeline system and high-pressure injection to fill the space behind the working face, thereby achieving the disposal of coal gangue in an environmentally ...

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What is Gangue in Chemistry Definition

Gangue is generally an unwanted material or impurity that is present in an ore. This can be found in ore deposits where the mineral is present. During the process of extraction, these impurities are mixed up with ore in the form of stone, sand, rock, etc. The gangue must be separated from the mineral with the help of ore dressing or mineral ...

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Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical …

All the CGs in the figure are dried in an oven at 60 °C and ground. CG1 is Hebei coal gangue, which comes from a coal gangue processing plant in Xingtai, Hebei Province. It is brownish black powder after drying and grinding. CG2 is Shanxi coal gangue, from Shanxi Geology Group Co., Ltd. After treatment, the color is black and gray, CG3 is ...

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Study on the Compressive Strength and Reaction …

Abstract: By reutilizing industrial byproducts, inorganic cementitious alkali-activated materials (AAMs) contribute to reduced energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In this study, coal gangue (CG) blended with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) was used to prepare AAMs. The research focused on analyzing the effects of the GGBFS content …

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Coal mine area monitoring method by machine learning and …

First, we collect samples of coal, gangue, and other objects from the Shenhua Baori Xile coal mine, and then measure the ground measured spectral reflectance data of these samples. For satellite data, we remove the interference information of the reflectance spectra from these images and established a relationship with the ground measured data.

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Extracting Copper from Its Ore: The Process Explained

The process begins with the crushing and grinding of the ore to liberate copper minerals from the gangue. The ground ore is then mixed with water and flotation reagents, such as collectors, frothers, and modifiers, in a conditioning tank. Collectors make the copper minerals hydrophobic, allowing them to attach to air bubbles introduced in the ...

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Spontaneous combustion coal gangue-based composite …

To enhance its reactivity, the coal gangue was ground. The preparation steps for the spontaneous combustion coal gangue powder involved crushing the material, passing it through a 20-mesh sieve (denoted as grinding for 0 min), and then grinding it in a planetary ball mill for 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 min at a speed of 350 rpm.

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