Mantlederived Magmas And Magmatic Nicupge Deposits

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World-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: key factors in their genesis

Abstract Magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits form as the result of segregation and concentration of droplets of liquid sulfide from mafic or ultramafic magma, and the partitioning of chalcophile elements into these from the silicate melt. Sulfide saturation of a magma is not enough in itself to produce an ore deposit. The appropriate physical environment is required …

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Geochemistry of Magmatic Ore Deposits

13.8.3 Fertility of Primary Magmas 197 13.8.4 Incompatible Element Deposits 200 Rare-Element Granites, Syenites, and Pegmatites 200 ... Magmatic ore deposits are masses of igneous rock enriched in useful chemical elements to such an extent that it is feasible to mine them at a profit. To be considered an ore, an accumula-

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Time scales and length scales in magma flow pathways and …

Ore forming processes involve the redistribution of heat, mass and momentum by a wide range of processes operating at different time and length scales. The fastest process at any given length scale tends to be the dominant control. Applying this principle to the array of physical processes that operate within magma flow pathways leads to some key insights into the origins of …

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New Insights on the Origin of Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions …

For example, it is commonly assumed that ultramafic-mafic intrusions and associated Ni-Cu-PGE deposits of the Noril'sk area genetically linked to the ~250 Ma Siberian flood-basalt volcanism (e.g., Campbell et al., 1992; Naldrett et al., 1995).However, based on petrography, bulk chemical analyses and phase equilibria, it was shown that there is no …

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Fundamentals of Magmatic Sulfide Deposits

Magmatic sulfide deposits fall into two major groups when considered on the basis of the value of their contained metals, one group in which Ni, and, to a lesser extent, Cu, are the most valuable products and a second in which the PGE are the most important. The first group includes komatiite- (both Archean and Paleoproterozoic), flood basalt ...

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Early magmatic and late magmatic ore deposits

Pegmatites rich in beryllium, tin, and niobium are a good example of late magmatic deposits. The ore deposits formed by magmatic processes are divided into two categories: early magmatic deposits. late magmatic deposits. Early magmatic deposits. Early magmatic deposits, also known as orthomagmatic deposits, are known to form directly from ...

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9.3.1: Magmatic Ore Deposits

This process produces magmatic sulfide deposits, which are the most important sources of platinum, palladium, chromium, and several other metals. Cumulate sulfide minerals include pentlandite (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8, chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2), pyrrhotite (Fe 1-x S), and pyrite (FeS 2). ... The magmas originate at depths of 150 to 450 km, deeper than other ...

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Tectonic controls on Ni and Cu contents of primary mantle-derived

We have modeled the genesis of primary mantle-derived magma to explore the controls exerted on its Ni-Cu ore potential by water content, pressure, and mantle potential temperature ( T p ). During decompression melting, Ni concentration in primary magma decreases with an increasing degree of melting, which is in contradiction to long-held understanding obtained from previous …

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Exploring for Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Ore Bodies with …

Magmatic Ni-Cu ore bodies at Nunavik Nickel, like most similar deposits, are mainly composed of pyrrhotite (Fe 1-x S) and varying amounts of chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and pentlandite ((Fe,Ni) 9 S 8). From a geophysical point of view, these minerals are indistinguishable, and their global signatures will mostly depend on their texture (i.e ...

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