Copper Flash Smelting Finland

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Flash Smelting Process

's Outotec process for Flash Smelting is one of the world's most commonly used processes for the production of primary copper and nickel. The process is based on our flash smelting principle, which utilizes the internal energy of the feed material for smelting, minimizing the need for external fuel and making the process very energy ...

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Outotec Research Oy, Finland ABSTRACT Direct smelting of sulphidic copper concentrates to blister copper involves clear benefits in the smelting operation, in particular if modern flash smelting technologies are used. ... The history of making blister copper in a Flash Smelting Furnace dates back to the late 1960's, when Outotec's ...

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Flash Smelting of Copper

In 1946, the Finnish company Outokumpu (now Outotec) began to develop flash smelting technology. In 1949, due to a shortage of electricity, the company's Harjavalta smelter replaced the electric furnace with the flash furnace for copper smelting, marking the successful industrial application of the Outotec flash smelting technology. ...

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Innovations: Trapping Sulphur

It is estimated that without flash smelting, the annual world sulphur dioxide emissions would be 5 to 10 million tonnes higher. A Big Step for Copper Smelting: Flash Converting. Converting, an integral part of the copper smelting process, …

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Flash Smelting

One of the most advanced and longest time in use is the FLASH code which is based on the development and validation in Finland in 1990s in close cooperation with Outotec ... Dynamic modeling of copper flash smelting process at a smelter in China. Appl. Math. Modell., 38 (7–8) (2014), pp. 2206-2213. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google ...

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Modelling copper smelting – the flash smelting plant, …

The effectivity of present copper smelting technologies have their roots in industrial and laboratory-scale experience accumulated over the past decades. ... Finland: TKK; p. 567–577. Google Scholar ... Arias L, Torres S, Toro C, Balladares E, Parra R, Loeza C, Villagran C, Coelho P. 2018. Flash smelting copper concentrates spectral emission ...

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Copper Flash Smelting Process Balance Modeling

metals Article CopperArticle Flash Smelting Process Balance Modeling Copper Flash Smelting Process Balance Modeling María Bacedoni 1,2,*, Ignacio Moreno-Ventas 1,2 and Guillermo Ríos 3 María Bacedoni 1,2,*, Ignacio Moreno-Ventas 1,2 and Guillermo Ríos 3 1 Department of Earth Science, University of Huelva, Avenida de las Fuerzas Armadas S/N, 1 Department21007 …

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Outokumpu flash smelting

Conference: Seminar on non-waste technology, Espoo (Finland), 20-23 Jun 1988; Related Information: In: Non-waste technology, by Korhonen, M. (ed.), 354 p. ... the copper flash smelting. The smelting of copper concentrates by the Outokumpu licence is practised in over twenty smelters around the world.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
Modelling copper smelting – the flash smelting plant, …

The effectivity of present copper smelting technologies have their roots in industrial and laboratory-scale experience accumulated over the past decades. ... Finland: TKK; p. 567–577. ... Arias L, Torres S, Toro C, Balladares E, Parra R, Loeza C, Villagran C, Coelho P. 2018. Flash smelting copper concentrates spectral emission measurements ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

In Copper Flash Smelting, flue dust can cause severe problems in the gas handling system, which typically consists of a heat recovery boiler and electrostatic precipitator. If the process is not operated properly, the flue dust may form accretions on the boiler wall, reducing boiler heat transfer and subjecting the surfaces to corrosion.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
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