Ilmenite Magnetite Hematite

Home | Ilmenite Magnetite Hematite

Magnetite-rutile symplectite in ilmenite records magma …

Here we investigated ilmenite-hematite solid solution (Ilm ss ) relationships evident in preserved intergrowths of magnetite-rutile and ilmenite-hematite in the gabbro of the Xinjie layered intrusion. The crystallographic orientation and 3D morphology of the two intergrowth types constrain the transformation mechanism of the exsolution textures ...

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Reflected Light

Ilmenite Magnetite Millerite Pentlandite Platinum Pyrrhotite: Common / Red Brown / None in Fe-rich samples: Moderate 36-44%: Very Hard (1278-1456) Cubic: May have exsolution lamellae of Hematite, Ilmenite, Magnetite, Rutile, Ulvöspinel: Cinnabar : HgS: White with Blueish Gray tint : C to Galena: darker, Blueish: Distinct in oil : Distinct / in ...

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Hematite | Common Minerals

Hematite will leave a red to red-brown streak on the plate, while magnetite will leave a black streak. Ilmenite: Ilmenite is a dense, black metallic mineral that can be confused with metallic hematite, but again the two mineral's streak should …

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Magnetic properties of ilmenite, hematite and oilsand minerals …

Ilmenite (TiO 2 · FeO) and hematite (Fe 2 O 3) minerals were used in the tests, together with a rutile concentrate produced previously from the oil sands tailings by Lakefield Research Ltd.The latter will be referred to as LR Rutile in this paper. The ilmenite and hematite, originating from St. Urbain, Quebec (Canada) and Hoyt Lake, Michigan (USA), respectively, …

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Replacement of magnetite by hematite in hydrothermal systems…

The replacement of magnetite by hematite is commonly observed in various geologic systems, especially in banded iron formations (BIF), iron oxide copper-gold deposits, and iron skarn deposits (Angerer et al., 2012; Franchini et al., 2000; Ehrig et al., 2021).The transformation of magnetite to hematite was attributed to an oxidizing reaction, generally …

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Magnetite exsolution in ilmenite from the Fe-Ti oxide …

This study investigates magnetite exsolution in ilmenite from Fe-Ti oxide gabbro in the Xinjie intrusion, SW China. Exsolved magnetite lamellae in ilmenite contain nearly pure Fe 3 O 4 with ~1 wt% TiO 2.EBSD-based analyses indicate that the magnetite lamellae have close-packed oxygen planes and directions parallel to those in the host ilmenite with {111} Mag …

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The role of hematite–ilmenite solid solution in the …

For example, Kletetschka and Stout (1998) found a region (Fig. 1) where the magnetization contrast was mainly due to RM carried by HISS mineralogy. In most cases, induced magnetization contrasts reflect the relative proportions of magnetite, which has a mass susceptibility three to four orders of magnitude larger than hematite and most of the other …

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Ferromagnetism and exchange bias in compressed …

Therefore, we consider that the compressed ilmenite-hematite solid solution is an additional candidate source of other planetary magnetic anomalies including those in the Moon and Earth. INTRODUCTION Earth's magnetic anomalies are commonly attributed to the presence of magnetite, hematite, titanomagnetite, and pyrrhotite minerals. Magnetite ...

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ILMAT: an Excel worksheet for ilmenite–magnetite …

ILMAT is oriented solely on the ilmenite-magnetite geothermometry but it also calculates the oxygen fugacities based on the empirical approaches given by several authors (Andersen and Lindsley, 1985).This Excel ® worksheet is a simple interactive tool for petrologists who want to use their coexisting Fe–Ti oxide data without having to labour through the …

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magnetite. Ilmenite occurs as small euhedral to subhedral crystal in mafic silicates or sub-hedral to anhedral crystals coexisting with magnetite. Hematite-ilmenite intergrowths of various ratios occurs in small amounts in mafic rocks. Iron sulfide, if any, is generally pyrite. Chalcopyrite may be seen in small amount. Martitization, hematite ...

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Magnetic properties of ilmenite‐hematite single crystals …

The assumptions are as follows: (1) the remanence at 10 K is from all three phases, hematite + ilmenite + magnetite; (2) the remanence below the Verwey transition and above 40 K (from ∼50 to 100 K) is from magnetite + hematite; and (3) the room temperature remanence after warming is from hematite. While this is an oversimplification, the ...

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Magnetite-rutile symplectite in ilmenite records magma …

Here we investigated ilmenite-hematite solid solution (Ilm ss) relationships evident in preserved intergrowths of magnetite-rutile and ilmenite-hematite in the gabbro of the Xinjie layered intrusion. The crystallographic orientation and 3D morphology of the two intergrowth types constrain the transformation mechanism of the exsolution

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Ilmenite: An ore of titanium | Uses and Properties

With just a glance it can easily be confused with hematite and magnetite. The differentiation is easy. Hematite has a red streak, while ilmenite has a black streak. Magnetite is strongly magnetic, while ilmenite is not magnetic. Occasionally ilmenite is weakly magnetic, possibly from small amounts of included magnetite.

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The role of hematite–ilmenite solid solution in the …

sheet-like body of essentially massive hemo-ilmenite. Ore occurs in pure anorthosite with local hypersthene-rich zones overlain by coarsely banded hemo-ilmenite and anorthosite (Hammond, 1952). The hemo-ilmen-ite ore contains 2–3% MgO and about 1% MnO, with a bulk composition close to 71% ilmenite (Hargraves, 1959). Magnetite is rare in these ...

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Hematite-ilmenite (FerOr-FeTiO3) solid solutions: …

ferromagrretic ordering in hematite is parallel to the [0001] axls. Ilmenite is also antiferromagnetic. The magnetic mo-ments, however, are aligned parallel to the [0001] axis (Ishikawa et al., 1985). In ilmenite, the Fe2+ atoms are ffil-Fig. l. Pseudobinary phase diagram of the hematite-ilmenite solid solution series (Burton and Davidson, 1988).

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Ilmenite Fe2+TiO3

Ilmenite Fe2+TiO3 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Hexagonal. Point Group: 3. As thick tabular crystals, with dominant base, to rhombohedral, to 25 cm. Skeletal, granular, massive; as lamellar exsolutions in hematite or magnetite. Twinning: Simple on {0001}; lamellar on {1011}.

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Fe–Mg and Fe–Mn interdiffusion in ilmenite with …

The Fe–Mg and Fe–Mn interdiffusion coefficients for ilmenite have been determined as a function of temperature and crystallographic orientation. Diffusion annealing experiments were conducted at 1.5 GPa between 800 and 1100 $$^{circ }hbox {C}$$ ∘ C . For Fe–Mg interdiffusion, each diffusion couple consisted of an ilmenite polycrystal and an …

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