Zanjan Iron Ore Deposits

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Sorkhe‐Dizaj Iron Oxide–Apatite Ore Deposit in the …

Abstract The Sorkhe-Dizaj iron oxide–apatite deposit in the Cenozoic Alborz-Azarbaijan magmatic belt, ... Ore minerals dominantly comprise magnetite, apatite, and monazite, as well as minor amounts of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite. Four major paragenetic stages are discriminated in the mineralization including early, oxide, sulfide, and ...

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Geology, alteration, age, and origin of iron oxide apatite …

The exposed rocks at the Aliabad iron deposit (Fig.2a) are mainly quartz monzonite, which have been extensively altered along fractures, faults, and around the mineraliza-tion. The deposit comprises (1) a main ore body, (2) stockwork and banded magnetite–apatite ores, and (3) dis-seminated ores. The main type of ore body is approximately 15 ...

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Constraints on the mineralization processes of the Makeng iron deposit, eastern China: Fluid inclusion, H–O isotope and magnetite trace element analysis. Yu-Long Yang, Pei Ni, Jun-Yi Pan, Guo-Guang Wang, Ying-Feng Xu ... select article Mesozoic multiphase magmatism at the Xinan Cu–Mo ore deposit (Zijinshan Orefield): Geodynamic setting and ...

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Tectonic controls on ore deposit exhumation and …

Tectonic controls on ore deposit exhumation and preservation: A case study of the Handan-Xingtai iron-skarn district. Author links open overlay panel Yannan Wang a b ... revealed plateau ages of 137.1 ± 1.5 Ma for phlogopite samples from the Beiminghe iron ore deposit (Shen et al., 2013) and 133.1 ± 1.3 Ma for those from the Xishimen ...

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Geology, geochemistry, fluid inclusion and genesis of

There are approximately 200 iron ore deposits with a total of ~ 4 billion metric tonnes (Mt) ore reserve in Iran ... the Gol-e-Gohar, and Hameh Kasi deposits in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Zanjan-Soltaniyeh belt and Niyasar in the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), and the Sangan iron deposit in eastern Iran zone (Nabatian et al., ...

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The Zanjan iron skarn deposits are magnesian (Arjin and Inche-Rahbari) and calcic (Khakriz) with endoskarn and exoskarn facies. In these skarn facies forsterite, garnet and pyroxene comprise …

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Sorkhe‐Dizaj Iron Oxide–Apatite Ore Deposit in the …

Sorkhe‐Dizaj Iron Oxide–Apatite Ore Deposit in the Cenozoic Alborz‐Azarbaijan Magmatic Belt, NW Iran. Ghasem Nabatian. Department of Geology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran ... Sorkhe‐Dizaj is a major IOA occurrence of the Zanjan region located 32 km southeast of Zanjan. The deposit is hosted by a post Eocene quartz monzonite ...

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Geology, geochemistry, and genesis of Gheshlagh Cu deposit…

As mentioned, the study deposit is located in the Tarom-Hashtjin metallogenic belt (THMB). THMB is placed in the western part of Alborz-Azerbaijan magmatic belt (AAMB) in the northwest of Iran, which belongs to Tethyan belt (Fig. 1A).Tectonic evolution of THMB is related to the Cenozoic closure and subduction of the branch of Neo-Tethys ocean (Khoy-Zanjan), …

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[PDF] Iron-apatite mineralization at Sorkhe Dizaj, Aliabad …

The area covering Sorkheh-Dizaj, Aliabad and Morvarieh iron-apatite deposits in southeast of Zanjan is part of the Tarom volcano-plutonic belt. This belt with a general NW-SE trend is formed during Tertiary Azarbaijan-west Alborz magmatism. Eocene volcano-sedimentary rocks are the oldest rock unit in the area. The Upper Eocene – Lower Oligocene calc-alkaline quartz …

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Iron and Fe–Mn mineralisation in Iran

More than 200 iron deposits with about 4 billion tons of iron ore have been discovered in Iran. Major iron oxide districts comprise the Bafq-Posht-e-Badam back arc district in Central Iranian microcontinent, the Ac Kahoor and Hormoz districts in the Zagros mountain range, the Gol-e-Gohar and Hamekasi deposits in the Sanandaj–Sirjan magmatic–metamorphic zone and also …

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Genesis of Tertiary Magnetite–Apatite Deposits, …

ore, but this value increases to 400 000 tons in the Mor-varid and Sorkheh–Dizaj area. These deposits are actively mined at this time. This paper reports the origin of these ore deposits with the goal of determin-ing the geochemistry, mineralogy, mineralography, and tectonic setting of the magnetite–apatite ore veins southeast of Zanjan. 2.

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