Small Scale Mining In Zambia

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In conclusion, the small-scale mining license is an important legal instrument that regulates small- scale mining activities in Zambia. The license allows small-scale miners to operate legally, protects them from exploitation and harassment, and enables them to access credit facilities and other forms of support.

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Small-scale mining and cleaner production issues in Zambia

Small-scale mining (SSM) has had unprecedented growth in Zambia during the past decade. The sector now produces a variety of commodities, especially gemstones, building and industrial minerals.From a structural and technical perspective, SSM is conducted on a very rudimentary level using basic tools such as picks and shovel, and occasionally, mechanized …

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Procedures for Granting mining Rights and Non-Mining …

Artisan Mining Right 900.00 (area size ) x (rate per year) Small Scale Exploration License 900.00 (area size ) x (rate per year) Small Scale Mining License 4,500.00 (area size) x (rate per year) Large Scale Exploration License 3,000.00 (area size) x (rate per year) Large Scale Mining License 48,000.00 (area size) x (rate per year)

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Mining in Zambia

Zambia has a history of gold mining on a relatively small scale, with the twenty larger deposits having produced slightly more than 2t of gold since modern mining began in 1902. The largest past producers are Dunrobin (990kg gold), Sasare (390kg), and Matala (225kg); Dunrobin has recently been re-opened by Reunion Mining and is scheduled to ...

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ASM Study Report.cdr

Zambia, like several other countries in the ASM sector, has been struggling to enhance and estimate the real contribution of the sector to the national economy mainly because most …

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Zambia | ASM

Small Scale Mining: YES. ASM Minerals or Metals Exploited. Precious Metals Gold. Base Metals Cooper, Cobalt, Nickel, Manganese, Tin. ... Providing support to ensure equal opportunities for both men and women participation in mining. Zambia Mines and Minerals Development Act; 2008 Section 150/Mining Advisory Committee (3) The Minister shall in ...

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Small Scale Mining in Zambia | PDF

The document discusses the structure of small-scale mining in Zambia. It defines small-scale mining and notes that in Zambia it primarily involves the mining of gemstones through both formal and informal operations. It describes the three types of small-scale mining structures that exist worldwide and notes that in Zambia around 500 firms hold gemstone licenses, though many …

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Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2025 Zambia

The primary law governing the mining sector in Zambia is the Mines and Minerals Development Act, No. 11 of 2015 of the Laws of Zambia (MMDA) as read together with the Mines and Minerals Development (Amendment) Act, No. 14 of 2016 and the Mines and Minerals Development (Amendment) Act, No. 29 of 2022. ... A prospecting permit, small-scale mining ...

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Can rural producer organisations transform rural …

The formation of the Federation of Small-Scale Mining Associations of Zambia (FESMAZ) was later prompted by donors who sought to create a single platform for the multiple mining groups that had emerged across geographical locations. This introduced a two-tier structure: district-level associations, directly engaged with miners at local levels ...

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Stronger Value Chains Are Vital for Artisanal Small-Scale Mining

15 April 2024, Lusaka, Zambia — An international event is taking place in Lusaka, Zambia this week, which is aimed at improving practices in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) of Development Minerals.These are minerals such as construction materials, industrial minerals and semi-precious stones the mining of which support the livelihoods of millions of people, mostly …

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and small-scale miners;the status,role,and importance of ASM in a country;specific support activities for the sector;and interactions between small-scale miners and large exploration and mining companies. Characteristics and Products of ASM There is as yet no widely accepted definition of artisanal and small-scale mining.The term can be used

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7 Steps To Acquire a Mining License In Zambia (with …

There are different types of mining licenses in Zambia which includes. The Small-Scale Mining License: The Small-Scale Mining License is designed for individuals or small-scale mining cooperatives engaged in low-impact or artisanal mining activities. It is intended to promote local participation and socioeconomic development.

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ing out artisanal mining or small-scale mining, with an annual turnover of K800,000 or less are expected to register and account for the tax under the Presumptive ... Businesses that are already registered with the Zambia Revenue Authority on Income Tax will be required to migrate to the presumptive tax regime e˜ective 1st January 2023.

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Zambia Mining Investment and Governance Review

• Treating the mining sector as an integral and driving force in development planning and implementation; and • Establishing a small cell in government to centralize action on artisanal and small-scale mining, which could have benefit for the mining sector at large, for ASM miners and for environmental and social impacts of mining.

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