Water Demand Ratio And Loss On Ignition Of Fly Ash

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Study on the influence of fly ash and silica fume with …

Fly ash adopts grade III fly ash, with a fineness of 17%, a moisture content of 0.2%, a loss on ignition of 5%, and a water demand ratio of 105%. All indicators have reached national standards. The silica fume is produced by a processing plant in Shanxi. The gravel(G) from a stone factory in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, where the coarse aggregate is

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Effect of High Calcium Fly Ash, Ladle Furnace Slag, and …

High calcium fly ash, ladle furnace slag, and limestone filler were investigated as supplementary cementitious materials in cement pastes, and binary mixtures were produced at 10%, 20%, and 30% cement replacement rates for each material. ... Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA). The loss on ignition (LOI) and the chloride, sodium, and sulfate ion ...

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The paper presents research performed to report the effect of high-lime (Class C) fly ash on water demand, workability, time of set, and compressive strength of concrete. Tests were carried out on nominal 3000, 4000, and 5000 psi structure grade concrete utilizing fly ash produced at Wisconsin Electric Power Company's Pleasant Prairie Power Plant. Fly ash …

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Evaluation of activated high volume fly ash systems …

On the other hand, unburned carbon present in the fly ash can affect concrete consistency. An increment in the loss on ignition (LOI) of the fly ash increases the water requirement for a given consistency [26]. The same carbon cellular particles which affect the water content also affect the air content, making it necessary to increase the air

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Fly Ash Carbon

Coal Combustion. Isabel Suárez-Ruiz, Colin R. Ward, in Applied Coal Petrology, 2008. 4.5.1 Carbon in Fly Ash. Though the inorganic fraction of fly ash is the desired product for most industrial uses, fly ash carbon is the primary factor that determines whether the fly ash can be used, especially in cement and concrete industries. As noted, fly ash is used as a replacement …

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Evaluation of activated high volume fly ash systems using Na

An increment in the loss on ignition (LOI) of the fly ash increases the water requirement for a given consistency [26]. ... Although these non compliant fly ashes could have an effect on concrete water or admixture demand, it is evident they have a positive effect as a cementitious material and can be used in different concrete applications [28 ...

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Incorporation of high loss-on-ignition fly ash into high …

Incorporation of high loss-on-ignition fly ash into high-strength mortar: Influence on short-term engineering properties ... The mortar mixtures were designed with a constant water-to-binder ratio of 0.24 and the 0–60% high LOI FA was used to replace cement (step increment of 15% by weight). ... the demand for construction materials for ...

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Effect of LOI of fly ash on properties of concrete

3.4.1 Properties of artificial high LOI fly ash 28 Loss on ignition 28 Water retainability 30 3.4.2 Basic and mechanical properties of high LOI fly ash concrete 31 Slump 31 ... 6.2.2 C on trolled water to binder ratio 74 6.3 Effect of fly ash content on compressive strength of high LOI 76

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Valorisation of wood fly ash on concrete

1:3 (wood ash: cement) in mass – higher water demand of wood mix; due to the irregular particle shape, high porosity and higher loss-on-ignition: Coal fly ash – Wang et al. (2008c) Concrete: 25%: wood fly ash does not reduce water amount; due to its irregular particles shape: Coal fly ash/other wood fly ash – Wang et al. (2008b) Mortar

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