Chemecals Goldpanning

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Gold Panning

Gold panning is a simple and traditional method of extracting gold from loose sediments, such as sand and gravel. It is based on the principle that gold is …

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haarperr/Gold-Panning: Gold panning activity for FiveM

Client Event: GoldPanning:StartProcess. Events that can be listened on both client and server. Client: GoldPanning:Reward (Params: amountOfNuggets) Server: GoldPanning:Reward (Params: source, amountOfNuggets) Default Config--Debug mode which visualizes the zones for you and the radius of deposits that have been used by players.

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GFS Chemicals

Anhydrous Perchlorate Salts . GFS Chemicals is one of the world's largest manufacturers of perchloric acid. Our expertise in the manufacture of perchloric acid, coupled with our diverse drying technologies & dry room packaging capabilities, make us the perfect source of anhydrous perchlorate salts.

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gfa-goldpanning is drag-and-drop resource for the QBCore Framework with compatibility for ox_inventory, qb-inventory and lj-inventory. You are able to gather gravel, which you can then wash it for a change to get Raw Gold and other items. You …

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