Tailings Mine Waste South Africa

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Could South African mine wastes provide a

The ongoing database development of mine tailings in South Africa is being led by: • Zakhele Nkosi, PhD candidate, lecturer and researcher in Applied Mineralogy and Historical Geology at the University of Pretoria, with a focus on diamond mine tailings for mineral carbonation and CO2 removal.

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in South Africa. To remove these potential pollution risks in perpetuity, non-conventional approaches to mine waste management are required which avoid land disposal of "unwanted" material. This dissertation explores the opportunities, drivers and barriers for the re-purposing of gold tailings in South Africa.

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Exploring an alternative approach to mine waste …

Keywords: gold tailings, mine waste management, mine waste reuse Introduction Despite the gold industry's contribution to the national economy, the industry has been ... documented in South Africa, some mines make use back˚ ll for structural stability and alleviating problems such as rock falls and rock bursts in mines (Squelch 1994). One

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Mineral carbonation of PGM mine tailings for CO2 storage in South

A scoping study on the use of Bushveld PGM tailings for CO 2 storage by Vögeli et al. (2011) showed that these tailings alone have the potential capacity to store ∼14 Mt of CO 2 p.a. The Bushveld area in South Africa produces in the order of 77 Mt p.a. (June 2009–June 2010) of tailings from the beneficiation of PGMs from Merensky, UG2 and Platreef operations …

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Mine Waste Solutions | South Africa | Retreatment | Harmony

Mine Waste Solutions is a tailings retreatment operation near Klerksdorp in North West province. It reprocesses low-grade material from tailing storage facilities scattered across the Vaal River and Stilfontein area to reduce the tailings footprint. ... North West, South Africa. X; Facebook; LinkedIn; YouTube; Instagram; Registration no. 1950 ...

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Report on the Jagersfontein Tailings Disaster

Figure 1 Location of Jagersfontein in South Africa(Sapora, 2010) In this report we first explain what tailing dams are. Second, we focus on the methodology that ... and that the dam is strong enough to contain the mining waste. Tailings dams can pose a threat to local wildlife as birds and animals bathe in and drink from the

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Valorisation of mine waste

Mine tailings, especially historical ones, can contain economically feasible resources, and given the right condition, such tailings could be reutilised through a waste valorisation concept. A prominent example are the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings in South Africa, which have been reused in small-scale projects.

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The catastrophic failure of the Jagersfontein tailings dam: An

Our study provides a sociohistorical account of decisions made about the Jagersfontein mine in the Free State province of South Africa (Map 1) and the catastrophic failure of its tailings dam that occurred in the early morning of September 11, 2022.The failure resulted in the sudden and uncontrolled release of more than 6 million m 3 of liquid sludge, smothering …

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South Africa Tailings Failure Shows Need for Stronger …

BACKGROUND: On the morning of September 11, a tailings dam collapsed at the closed Jagersfontein diamond mine in Free State, South Africa. Local news reports the flood of mine waste killed at least three people, and injured 40.The failure swept away houses, damaging at least 20.The tailings flowed over 8 km and left a path over 1.5 km wide.Video of the failure …

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Waste & Tailings

Jones & Wagener provides services relating to these aspects with a particular emphasis on monitoring MRDs in the operational phase. This includes interpreting critical parameters on an …

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Tailings.info Hydraulic Mining of Tailings

A typical flow sheet for the reprocessing of tailings is shown below in figure 2. Figure 2: Simplified diagram showing the hydraulic re-mining of tailings. It can be noted that the use of hydraulic mining for tailings can be to either reprocess the waste, mine the waste as a product, or for moving of the tailings to a more suitable location.

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Repurposing of mine waste: an alternative management …

The large volumes of waste generated during gold beneficiation are a major pollution concern in South Africa. To remove these potential pollution risks in perpetuity, non-conventional approaches to mine waste management are required which avoid land disposal of "unwanted" material. This dissertation explores the opportunities, drivers and barriers for the re-purposing of gold tailings …

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STORAGE FACILITIES WITHIN THE WEST RAND AREA IN SOUTH AFRICA by Gladness Mmadibakisha Chadi Student No.: 38780593 submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of ... The disposal of mine waste, chiefly tailings, has of late, assumed an importance that transcends even the massive

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Tailings.info Tailings Storage Guidelines and Standards

South Africa. Mining in South Africa is regulated by the Water Act 1998, the Minerals Act 1991 and the Mine Health and Safety Act 1996. ... (DEA) to control mine waste dumps, stockpiles and tailings storage. Chile. In Chile the Servicio de Minas del Estado is responsible for regulating tailings impoundment projects as well as the safety of the ...

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