Beneficiation Of Ilmenite By Selective Leaching

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Beneficiation of titania by sulfuric acid pressure leaching of

The beneficiation of titania (TiO 2) by sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) pressure leaching of Panzhihua ilmenite was investigated. The reaction temperature, H 2 SO 4 concentration, and concentration of ferrous ions (Fe 2 +) had significant effects on the enrichment of TiO 2.With increasing reaction temperatures, the dissolution of iron from ilmenite was enhanced, while the …

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Preparation of synthetic rutile via selective sulfation of ilmenite

The traditional methods for producing synthetic rutile from ilmenite consist of the smelting, Becher and acid leaching processes. In the smelting process [5], the iron in ilmenite is reduced into metallic iron and melted at over 1600 °C for separation from the titanium-containing phases (the so-called titania slag).In the Becher process [6], [7], the iron in ilmenite is first …

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Beneficiation of titania by sulfuric acid pressure leaching of

The beneficiation of titania (TiO 2) by sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) pressure leaching of Panzhihua ilmenite was investigated.The reaction temperature, H 2 SO 4 concentration, and concentration of ferrous ions (Fe 2 +) had significant effects on the enrichment of TiO 2.With increasing reaction temperatures, the dissolution of iron from ilmenite was enhanced, while the …

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Reductive leaching of ilmenite ore in hydrochloric acid for …

The reactivity of ilmenite ore during leaching with hydrochloric acid can be greatly enhanced by reduction in solution using metallic iron. Addition of a particular amount of iron powder after a certain time of reaction will reduce all the dissolved Fe 3+ to Fe 2+ and reduce a portion of the dissolved Ti 4+ to Ti 3+.As the leaching continues, any further dissolved Fe 3+ …

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Recent technology developments in beneficiation and …

This review aims to deepen the understanding of ilmenite beneficiation and concentrate enrichment technology, and further promote the technological innovation of ilmenite resource efficient utilization. ... Similar increases in ilmenite flotability and selective separation have also been confirmed by subsequent studies (Parapari et al., 2016 ...

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Recovery of Niobium, Titanium and Yttrium from Poly …

The present study focuses on the processing of a poly-mineralized concentrate attained from a physical beneficiation of process applied to high grade pegmatitic rock sample of Gabal El- Aurf area. The concentrate contains significant amounts of niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta), titanium (Ti) and rare earth elements (REE) plus yttrium (Y) assaying 19.5, 2.5, 14.2 and …

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Effect of acid surface dissolution pretreatment on the selective

The influence of acid surface dissolution as a pretreatment method on the improvement of ilmenite selective flotation from olivine-pyroxene was studied by carrying out the flotation experiments in micro and laboratory (flotation cell) scales. The microflotation experiments show that after surface dissolution, the flotation recovery of ilmenite improves from 73.5% to …

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Combined production of synthetic rutile in the sulfate TiO

This paper describes a novel process for preparation of synthetic rutile using an intermediate, sulfated ilmenite from the sulfate TiO 2 process as the feedstock.The synthetic rutile can be obtained by selective thermal decomposition of the sulfated ilmenite, followed by targeted leaching for removal of various impurities.The results of the decomposition unit showed that …

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Recent developments in processing ilmenite for titanium

From the foregoing it shows clearly that selective chlorination is capable of upgrading ilmenite to an acceptable further use in converting TiO2 into TIC14. 299 A recent Dupont patent (Cairns, 1969) deals with the preparation of titanium tetrachloride from ilmenite by the total chlorination at 850--1,050: 2FeO.TiO2 + 6C + 7C12 ~ 2TIC14 + 2FeC13 ...

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Chloridization beneficiation of ilmenite

Chloridization Beneficiation of Ilmenite K. SWAMINATHAN and CH. SRIDHAR RAO ... pressure leaching with hydrochloric acid, 2 (2)oxidation/ reduction roasting followed by acid leaching, 3 (3) oxida- tion/reduction roasting followed by rusting and desliming, 4 ... ficiation of bauxite and for selective separation of desired

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used [14-16]. Results of acid leaching of ilmenite have re-vealed variations inthe parameters of leaching [17-20].There-fore, itis usually necessary to work out the parameters best for leaching aparticular ilmenite ore. Only exploratory studies [6] have been conducted on the Nigerian ilmenite ore, there isstill no report on its composition ...

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An ilmenite ore may be beneficiated by oxidation to yield a pseudobrookite-containing material, reduction of the oxidation product to give a material having at least 4% of its iron content in the ferric state, and leaching of the reduced material. Leaching is facilitated by the previous two steps. The beneficiate is suitable for chlorination under fluidised-bed reaction conditions to yield ...

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Beneficiation of titaniferous ores by selective …

sodium. The efficiency of selective separation is reported based on chemicals analysis of the materials derived after leaching. Keywords: Ilmenite, Soda ash roasting, Aeration leaching, Selective separation, Particle size Introduction Titanium and its alloys are an important family of light weight, high strength and high temperature alloys, which

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Rare earth elements resources and beneficiation: A review

The second-generation leaching process involves the coexistence of pool and heap leaching using 1 %–4% (NH 4) 2 SO 4 as the leaching agent. Heap leaching involves directly piling up mined ore and injecting the solution for leaching. Reagent consumption is reduced and soil environmental pollution is avoided owing to the low leachant concentration.

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