Flotation Of Chromite Ore

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Assessment of Zero Waste Approach by Enhancing …

In this present study, a techno-economic approach was employed to investigate the enhancement of the chromium-to-iron (Cr/Fe) ratio of chromite ore, utilizing magnetizing roasting via both conventional and microwave heating sources. The primary objective was to selectively remove iron (Fe) from chromite spinel, thereby increasing the magnetic susceptibility of iron …

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Chromite fines generated during communition of the low grade Landi-Raud chromite ore for the gravity processing, have been recovered by Froth flotation. A concentrate assaying 47% Crp3 with a ... laboratory experiments on flotation of chromite were car-ried out using anionic and cationic collectors. The flotation feed material (fmes from the ...

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BENEFICIATION OF LANDI RAUD (MALAKAND, NWFP) CHROMITE ORE A. Hafeez, Saqib Ahmad and K. Hussain PCSIR Laboratories, Lahore-54600 ... Recovery of chromite from the fines generated during the crushing and grinding of the ore has been attempted by the flotation technique. An overall recovery of 81 % with a concentrate grade of 43.4 % er203 has ...

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Column Flotation of Chromite and Fluorite Ores

AbstractThe Bureau of Mines investigated column vs conventional flotation of chromite and fluorite ores. Fine-bubble column flotation of deslimed chromite ore produced a 44.7 % Cr2O3 rougher concentrate at 87.1 % recovery, whereas conventional flotation produced a 40.4 % Cr2O3 concentrate at 85.4 % recovery. Column flotation of undeslimed chromite ore also …

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A Process Mineralogical Evaluation of Chromite at the …

A process mineralogical study based on three texturally and mineralogically different chromite-bearing ore types at the Nkomati nickel mine was undertaken, with focus on chromite. Chromite is a by-product of the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE ore at Nkomati Nickel mine. These being the PCMZ_MG (medium-grade Ni-Cu sulphide silicate ore with disseminated chromite), …

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Challenges in processing nickel laterite ores by flotation

On preconce-ntration of nickel from lateritic overburden of chromite by flotation—part 1: anionic collectors. Aufbereitungs-Technik, 30 (11) (1989), pp. 690-697. View in Scopus Google ... Preconcentration of nickel values from lateritic chromite ore overburden, Sukinda, Orissa. Indian Mineral Processing Extractive Metallurgy Review, 15 (1995 ...

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Flotation of Chromite Ore

Rougher flotation of ore containing abundant olivine upgraded the chromite from 23.4 to 29.6 percent Cr2O3 at a recovery of 89.4 percent. The technique was also applied to chromite gravity concentrates to further upgrade chromite and to reject silicates.

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Flotation Behavior of Sudanese Chromite Ores

In the second technique [U.S. Pat. No. 3,473,656], chromite ore flotation is achieved with an undeslimed ore at a pH of 11.5 using a long chain fatty acid collector. The pH of the pulp is adjusted with NaOH with the pulp being dispersed by sodium silicate using carboxymethylcellulose as a depressant for silicate gangue minerals. Typically ...

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Acidic medium flotation separation of chromite from …

was developed by Havens (1946). This involves flotation of the deslimed ore at a pH of 1.5 to 5.5 using a long-chain fatty-acidcollector. Process selectivity is enhanced by the ... by the flotation of chromite at pH 3 with the same amine collector. In a typical procedure, 270 gltof amine is fed into the flotation medium in the serpentine ...

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The flotation behaviour of chromite with respect to the …

The reagent suite for the flotation of UG2 ore is selected to maximise sulphide mineral and PGM recovery, and includes the addition of copper sulphate as an activator, a mixture of two thiol collectors (xanthate and dithiophosphate) as well as a frother and a polysaccharide depressant. ... Maximum flotation of chromite occurs in the region ...

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Chrome ore beneficiation challenges & opportunities – A …

Supply of world chromite (chrome ore) has come under severe pressure over the past year driven by strong demand for ferrochrome used in ferroalloy production for making stainless steel. Many of the strategic minerals are inputs into products in fast-changing markets. ... Column flotation of chromite and fluorite ores. Canadian Metallurgical ...

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Froth flotation of chromite with fluoride

the flotation procedure can be followed by a agnetic concentration further to remove magnetic iron compounds from the concentrate s cured by tfzlrottation to yield a still higher grad concenagitating and aerating an aqueous pulp of a comminuted chromite ore in the presence of a long-chain fatty acid, a dispersing agent, and a soluble fluoride ...

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Column flotation of Montana chromite ore | Mining

The US Bureau of Mines compared column flotation using either fine or coarse bubbles with conventional flotation on a Montana chromite ore. On deslimed ore, fine-bubble column flotation produced a 44.7% Cr2O3-grade rougher concentrate with 87% recovery, compared with 43.8% and 43.5% Cr2O3-grade rougher concentrates with 85% and 77% recovery for coarse-bubble …

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Magnetic flotation beneficiation of chromite ore

Serpentines could be successfully depressed oy-~ium fluorosilicate- which counteracts the effect of dissolved metal ions. In acid circuit, p H/5.5, the amenability of silicates to flotation decreases and chromite floats readily. The suitability of the process for chromite ore beneficiation requires further pilot plant tests.

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Adequate degree of liberation of chromitewas obtained by grinding the ore to minus 180μm.Froth flotation was used to upgrade this chromite ore. ... Theseinclude the collector and depressant dosages, pulp pH, and conditioningtime. From an ore feed grading 20.27% Cr2O3, a chromite concentrateof 28.71% Cr2O3 with recovery of 94.54 % could be ...

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