Apatite Flotation Tailing

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Apatite flotation using pataua palm tree oil as collector

Froth flotation is the most important concentration method for beneficiating phosphate ores [2], [3].In this process, most collectors used worldwide are fatty acids obtained from vegetable species as byproduct of different industries, e.g., tall oil, a byproduct of the paper industry [4], [6].However, the investigations on alternative sources are being encouraged as …

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Selective depression by using environment-friendly …

Flotation recovery rate was calculated with the particle weight distribution in the concentrate and tailing products by using Eq. (1). At least three parallel experiments were performed, and average was reported. ... 16 eV) and –OH shifted by 0.12 eV (from 533.22 eV to 531.10 eV), which implied that pectin had few effects on the apatite ...

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Innovating an amphoteric collector derived from …

The recovery and grade of apatite in a flotation tailing portray gradual descent followed by subsequent ascent. Likewise, the DDALA dosage of 1.5 × 10 −4 mol/L marks a turning point in the trends of apatite recovery and grade in a flotation tailing. These results from the mixed mineral flotation experiments affirm the conclusions drawn from ...

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Removal of dolomite and potassium feldspar from apatite …

Conventionally, froth flotation has been used to separate phosphate minerals from interfering gangue via their distinct properties [7], [8].Significant research on the flotation of apatite has been conducted, but most previous studies focused on the flotation of single gangue minerals, and rarely considered the flotation of apatite containing silicon and calcium impurities …

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apatite flotation tailing

Water from a tailing dam of an apatite processing industry has been treated by this technique and the produced water used in the flotation of apatite in column. Results have shown that the use of recycling water after the wastewater treatment proposed in this work led to a good performance of apatite flotation, leading to recovery (80.5%) and ...

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Selective flotation separation of apatite from dolomite …

The flotation procedure was as follows (1) 2.0 g of the single mineral or mixed minerals (i.e., apatite and dolomite, a mass ratio of 3:2): were placed into a plexiglass cell filled with deionized water (25 mL) and agitated for 1 min to obtain a uniform pulp; (2) P (AA-AMPS) (if necessary), pH regulators, and NaOl were added successively at 2 ...

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