Fire Refining Of Copper

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SECONDARY COPPER SMELTING, REFINING, AND ALLOYING Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency OAQPS/TSD/EIB Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 II-103 ... 110,000 smelting, fire-refining, electrolytic refining Franklin Smelting and Refining Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 16,000 smelting Southwire Carrollton, Georgia

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Oxide inclusions in copper during its fire refining

copper (М00к), noble metals concentrating slime and elec-trolyte-refining cake are obtained on electrolysis stage. Removal of such impurities as lead, antimony, arsenic and nickel [2–6] into slag on the fire refining stage is very difficult. The basic idea of copper refining supposes the oxi-dation of impurities and slagging of formed oxides.

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Provided herein is a process of fire refining blister copper, comprising the steps of (a) providing molten blister copper into an anode furnace; (b) when sulfur concentration of the molten blister copper provided in step (a) is above a first prescribed target value, oxidizing sulfur in the molten blister copper by blowing oxygen containing gas into the molten blister copper until the first ...

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Electrolytic Refining

The deposited copper is then separated from the cathode and anode and is replaced by a new block of raw copper at regular intervals for electrolytic copper refining. Properties and Uses of Copper. Copper is a major commercial metal. Some properties of copper are listed below: It has high electrical and thermal conductivity.

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Copper Anode Furnace: Chemical, Mineralogical and Thermo …

The pyrometallurgical copper production route typically involves a three-step process from feed to anode: (s)melting, converting and fire refining.1 Two types of furnace are in use in the refining section: the rotary furnace type dominates in primary copper production, while secondary smelters tend to use hearth refining furnaces because they are more suitable for …

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New developments in fire refining

The conventional fire refining process consists of an anode furnace capable of treating blister to anode copper through oxidation by air and reduction by reductant e.g. natural gas, LPG or diesel. However, in most cases controlling of the refining cycle is not optimized and Outotec has identified several areas for improvement such as:

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A process is disclosed for fire-refining copper sulfide having a copper to nickel ratio of more than about 7:3, which process comprises maintaining a molten bath of copper sulfide in a turbulent state to volatilize at least about 50 percent of at least one impurity from the group consisting of bismuth, lead, tin and zinc, then surface blowing the turbulent bath of copper sulfide with a free ...

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Refining Company 99°999+ percent Cu and U©So Metals Refining Company OFHC Cu at 1112 Co < XIo Experimental data for the copper-nlckel alloys at 1112 C 00000000000000000c XIIo ExperimentalQdata for the copper-iron alloys at 1112 Cgooooooooooooooooc XIIIo Experimental data for the copper-sulfur alloys at 1112 C O Q O Q Q Q O O O Q Q Q O Q O O O G

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The invention relates to a deep deoxidation process for fire refining of copper. After the deoxidation impurity removal of fire refining of copper in a reactor reaches a predetermined indicator, two forms of oxygen exists in the reactor actually, namely oxygen [O] in liquid copper containing saturated Cu2O and oxygen (O) in Cu-saturated liquid cuprous oxide, and at the …

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Comparison of environmental performance of modern copper …

The process simulations covered the process from sulfidic copper ore to blister copper but excluded the impact of downstream processes such as fire refining, electrolytic refining, wet gas cleaning and sulfuric acid production since these are performed relatively similarly in all the technologies compared with minor influence on the outcome.

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A New Paipote Process of Continuous Fire Refining of Copper

A new, continuous fire refining process for copper has been developed and tested at the 5 tph pilot scale. During oxidation, the blister copper flows through a packed bed of crushed refractory bricks counter-current to a hot oxygen containing gas. The resulting desulphurized copper flows then directly into a packed bed of charcoal for deoxidation. By controlling the air …

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Copper processing

The final step consists of fire refining the blister copper to reduce the sulfur and oxygen to even lower levels. This oxidation-reduction process is usually carried out in a separate furnace to ensure that the final smelter product reaches the level of 99.5 percent copper that is required for electrolytic refining. At this point, the copper is ...

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SECONDARY COPPER SMELTING, REFINING, AND ALLOYING Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency OAQPS/TSD/EIB Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 II-103 ... Sauget, Illinois 125,000 fire-refining, electrolytic refining Chemetco Alton, Illinois 135,000 one-stage (top-blown rotary converter) smelting/refining Gaston Recycling Industries

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Electrorefining Copper

This report discusses Electrorefining Copper research conducted to increase the rate, deposit purity, and overall efficiency in industrial processes used to electrodeposit and purify metals by increasing substantially the …

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