Examples Of Copper Sulfide Minerals

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Sulfide Mineral

Sulfide minerals are reactive and prone to oxidation in the presence of air. Different sulfide minerals have different propensity to oxidation. For example, the oxidation of chalcocite (a secondary copper sulfide mineral) is faster than that of chalcopyrite (Peng and Zhao, 2011).

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Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits: Zoning and …

oxide copper minerals is a function of source-rock and host-rock mineralogy, pyrite and other (copper) sulfide abundance and distribution, fracture density and distribution, phreatic and/or vadose zone occurrence and ... In examples considered in this article, the pre-oxidation sulfide assemblage (protore) consists of pyrite and ...

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Sulfide Minerals

Copper sulfides are a closely related mineral group, and they often occur together. In this bornite specimen are also bits of golden metallic chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2 ) and areas of dark-gray chalcocite (Cu 2 S).

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Oxidation of Copper Sulfides and Secondary Sulfide …

Secondary copper sulfide enrichment is widely accepted today as resulting from oxidation of copper sulfide minerals, downward migration of soluble copper sulfates, and precipitation as copper sulfide by reaction with primary sulfide minerals. ... Examples of sulfide enrichment above the water table as well as at and below the water table are ...

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Copper Sulfide Ore

Apart from copper sulfide minerals, copper concentrates usually contain other metals such as precious metals (Au, Ag, Pt), base metals (Pb, Ni), and critical elements such as Se, Te, As, Sb, and Bi. The critical elements are often called penalty elements in industry. ... Example of shared UK copper demand for selected LCI technologies.

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Solved Cite examples of how copper deposits occur.

Cite examples of how copper deposits occur. * Choose one or more: A. in carbonate ore minerals B. in sulfide ore minerals C. as an agglomeration metal D. as a native metal Mass movement Choose one: A. is more likely to happen under wet conditions than under dry conditions, B. happens only when the slope of a hill gets steeper than the angle of repose. .

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Two-Stage Oxidative Leaching of Low-Grade Copper–Zinc Sulfide …

Most of the copper in the world is produced by processing sulfide ores by flotation to obtain copper concentrates and their subsequent processing using pyrometallurgical technologies [1,2,3,4].The most abundant copper mineral that plays a crucial role in its production is chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2).Pyrometallurgical processing of sulfide concentrates results in the …

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List Sulphide Minerals

The sulphide minerals are compounds of the metals with sulphur. Nearly all these minerals have a metallic luster, i.e., the peculiar shining appearance of metals, such as gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, iron, etc. They …

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Most Common Copper Minerals

Copper minerals can be broadly classified into sulfide minerals, oxide minerals, and native copper. The most common copper mineral is chalcopyrite, a sulfide mineral that contains about 34% copper by weight. Other important copper minerals include bornite, …

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9 Ore Deposits and Economic Minerals – Mineralogy

Native copper, for example, is an ideal copper ore mineral. Ideal ore minerals are, however, uncommon. The most commonly mined ores are not ideal. ... We can use a triangular diagram to plot the compositions of copper-iron sulfide minerals in the same way we plotted feldspar, pyroxene, and other silicate compositions in Chapter 6. The small ...

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Understanding Copper Oxides & Sulfides

Copper mineralization for deposits starts as primary sulfide mineralization. Over time, exposure to surface water and air turns some of these minerals into oxides. Oxides can often be dissolved in weak acid, making copper recovery efficient. Sulfides, on the other hand, don't leach, so they require a different process.

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Copper Sulfide

Copper sulfide refers to a mineral that is widely distributed and can be formed through various geological processes. It is known for its metallic conductivity and special crystal structure, …

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Aikinite is from Beresowsk, Ural - exhibited in the Mineralogical Museum, Bonn, Germany. Credit: Ra'ike.{{}} Aikinite (International Mineralogical Association (IMA) symbol: Aik is a sulfide mineral of lead, copper and bismuth with formula PbCuBiS 3, forms black to grey or reddish brown acicular orthorhombic crystals with a Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5 and a specific gravity of 6.1 to 6.8, was ...

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Copper Isotopes Used in Mineral Exploration | SpringerLink

Specific examples of using the copper isotopes in exploration of supergene deposits are present in the following two contributions. Braxton and Mathur ... Leaching of other copper sulfide minerals also results in relatively different copper isotope compositions in waters. For instance, weathering of chalcocite which results in waters that 3 ...

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3.4: Non-Silicate Minerals

Sulfides are well known for being important ore minerals. For example, galena is the main source of lead, sphalerite is the main source of zinc, and chalcopyrite is the main copper ore mineral mined in porphyry deposits like the Bingham mine. The largest sources of nickel, antimony, molybdenum, arsenic, and mercury are also sulfides.

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Mineralogy of Sulfides | Elements

Pyrite is the dominant sulfide in porphyry copper deposits, though it is chalcopyrite that is the most important ore mineral, along with bornite and various binary copper sulfides. In the related porphyry molybdenum deposits, it is …

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Two-Stage Oxidative Leaching of Low-Grade Copper–Zinc Sulfide …

1. Introduction. Most of the copper in the world is produced by processing sulfide ores by flotation to obtain copper concentrates and their subsequent processing using pyrometallurgical technologies [1,2,3,4].The most abundant copper mineral that plays a crucial role in its production is chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2).Pyrometallurgical processing of sulfide concentrates results in the …

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Copper Sulfide

Copper sulfide minerals require the use of acid and an oxidizing agent to break the mineral lattice and release Cu 2+ into solution (Sherrit, Pavlides, & Weekes, 2005). ... In this example, the production of a copper concentrate is investigated. After mineralogical examination, ...

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Recent developments in Earth-abundant copper-sulfide …

The naturally occurring material exhibits relatively modest thermoelectric properties, 53,54 although copper-rich mineral ... Chemical stability is a general issue with PLEC-type copper sulfide phases as the ionic mobility that lies behind the exceptionally low thermal conductivity is also responsible for their chemical and mechanical ...

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