Radiometric Sorter Ultrasort

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Radiometric Survey

Exploration Geophysics. S.K. Haldar, in Mineral Exploration, 2013 5.7.1 Concept. The radiometric surveys detect and map natural radioactive emanations (γ ray) from rocks and soils. The gamma radiation takes place from the natural decay of elements like U, Th and K. The radiometric method is capable of detecting these elements at the surface of the ground.

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rados ore sorter coal

Ore Sorting Hand sorting was historically a common practice for ores and coal. First radiometric sorter in 1946. Photometric sorter developed in 1952 was the basis of the first commercial sorters in uranium. Around 35 ore sorters worldwide in 1990. Estimated 300 plus/minus sorters in 2009. *Mineral Separation Technologies, Inc.

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Our history

Belt sorter for potatoes, vegetables, proteins, and leafy greens Explore TOMRA 5B Optical sorter for the nut industry, dried fruit and IQF ... Commodas in 2006 and Ultrasort in 2008. Revenues within this new segment of Industrial Processing Technology more than doubled from 379 million NOK in 2005, to 793 million NOK in 2008. ...

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Sensor-Based Separation

CommoDas Ultrasort has also manufactured XRF sorters with a capacity of up to 70 t/h. RADOS sorters have also been successfully used for the past three decades in Russia and Scandinavian countries. This dry separation technology is used for other minerals, such as precious metals, base metals, ferrous, and non-ferrous metals.

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Ultrasort Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Investors

Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Ultrasort. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile. Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Ultrasort. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile. ... Particle sorter with position sensitive linear detectors: Inactive: 14-Aug ...

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BO ARVIDSON'S ORE SORTER EXPERIENCE Experience Summary ... (both photometric and radiometric). Helped develop the first fine particle photometric sorter (for 6 to 12 mm size fraction). Evaluated ... Technology. Cooperated with Ultrasort in Australia. Ultrasort became part of Commodas and eventually merged into Tomra.

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the recent merger between mmodas and ultrasort

the recent merger between mmodas and ultrasort T10:07:24+00:00 The Recent Merger Between Commodas And Ultrasort. The recent merger between Commodas and Ultrasort (2008) brings new innovations to the mining industry Both acknowledged as leaders in this highly specialized field of sensorbased sorting technology, now constitute a joint the recent merger …

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Rock sorting increases in priority

In the 1980s radiometric sorting was largely abandoned, mainly because the throughput was not fast enough. Rocks were pushed through in a single line and sorted individually with a gate system. At the same time the industry moved onto large processing plants thanks to the introduction of the now established CIL/CIP technology, and the ...

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Minerals Engineering International Online

UltraSort's Nickel sorter utilises its patented technique that has been well proven in its random stream radiometric machine. This allows the rocks to be present anywhere on the belt not just in single file in one two or even 8 channels. A matrix of sensors combines with the field proven laser scanning technology allows this machine to sort ...

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• radiometric sorting of coarse coal 50 - 250 mm ... The international operating company Commodas Ultrasort has made successful campaigns in South Africa in fi eld of dry coal benefi cation using dual energy x-ray sorting. The mechanical set-up of this type of sorter is similar to that utilized for optical sorters. The feed material is ...

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The samples were scanned and sorted using a bench top radiometric unit configured to simulate a full-scale radiometric sorter (short integration recovery). Using the correlation between measured gamma counts and uranium grade from the September 2013 characterization study, the individual rock fragments in each size fraction were classified into ...

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High Speed Optical Sorter (HSOS) – Green AI Tech

UltraSORT Spectra+ integrates the strengths of both AI image recognition and optical emission spectrometry (OES) to optimize accuracy and efficiency in waste sorting. This cutting-edge technology offers unparalleled versatility, allowing for the sorting of various waste materials with precision and speed.

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Dual energy X-ray transmission sorting J of coal o

Commodas/UltraSort has drawn upon this basic principle and has developed a sensor system suitably adapted to sorting techniques. The broad-band X-ray radiation of an electrical X-ray source is applied to the sorter feed material which is moved through the scanning area at a rate of 3 m/s (see Figure 2). The X-ray sensor system, which works like ...

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Applications – Green AI Tech

High Speed Optical Sorter – UltraSORT SPECTRA+. Explore UltraSORT SPECTRA+. Plastic. Our advanced smart sorter utilizes AI and NIR Scanner technologies to accurately sort plastic based on color and material types, ensuring precise sorting for meeting the most stringent requirements and satisfying market demands effortlessly.

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ketelhodt@commodas-ultrasort ABSTRACT Automated optical- and radiometric sorting plants treating Witwatersrand gold ore have already been operational in the 1970's and 80's with limited success. ... (RTZ) Group developed and operated its first full-size photometric sorter pilot plant between 1969 and 1973 on a Gold Fields mine. Ore ...

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