Health Effects Building Waste Recycling

Home | Health Effects Building Waste Recycling

waste and health risks affecting waste pickers …

Interactive, creative arts-based methods (collective mapping, acting, and drawing, diagramming), were used to map key health hazards related to the work with waste, based on the practical knowledge of the research participants ().While the results reflect specific working conditions of these cooperatives, most risk factors identified are common to the majority of …

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Research on compound pollution characteristics and health …

Glass is widely used in construction and daily life, as well as an auxiliary material in scientific research and electronic products, resulting in the generation of large amounts of waste glass (Abdelli et al., 2020).According to the data released by China Resources Recycling Association, the output of waste glass in China is 22.75 million tons in 2021, while the …

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Health Problems Among Workers Who Recycle Electronic Waste …

Introduction. Electronic and electrical waste (e-waste), also referred to as waste electrical and electronic equipment, is defined as any end-of-life "equipment which is dependent on electrical currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly" [].Today, recycling e-waste has become an important goal worldwide, from the viewpoints of environmental …

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An overview of the environmental pollution and health effects

Landfilling is one of the most common waste management methods employed in all countries alike, irrespective of their developmental status. The most commonly used types of landfills are (a) municipal solid waste landfill, (b) industrial waste landfill, and (c) hazardous waste landfill. There is, also, an emerging landfill type called "green waste landfill" that is, …

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Recycling of construction and demolition waste and its …

The huge generated amounts of construction and demolition (C&D) waste around the world, which amounts up to more than 25% of the total generated waste, has become a serious environmental challenge that needs to be addressed. This analytical review paper sheds light on the different adverse environmental impacts of the presently used conventional …

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E-waste and Child Health

The health community can take action to reduce adverse health effects from e-waste by building health sector capacity to diagnose, monitor and prevent toxic exposure among children and women, raising awareness of the …

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Construction and demolition waste – Major challenges ahead!

The construction sector is the major resource-consuming and waste-producing sector in our modern society, using – on average – more than 40% of the total raw materials extracted from the earth around the world (Krausmann et al., 2017), and at the same time generating more than one third of the world's solid waste by weight (up to more than 75% …

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A comprehensive review of the human body burden of

Guiyu has been one of the world's largest destinations for electronic waste (e-waste) recycling for decades. The recyling process in Guiyu relied on informal and family-based activities, which have led to severe environmental pollution and associated extensive health problems. This review examines the connections between exposure to persistent organic …

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The Compounding Effects of Not Recycling

The Compounding Effects of Not Recycling. April 26, 2020 . Email. ... The long-term health risks associated with these chemicals are still being determined, but scientists have determined that they can significantly alter hormones in animals and humans. ... Napa Recycling and Waste Services P.O. Box 239, Napa, CA 94559 | (707) 255-5200 or (707 ...

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Electronic Waste Recycling: Occupational Exposures and …

on occupational exposure in e-waste recycling facilities are summarized by exposure. Next, the recent epidemiological literature on the health of e-waste recycling workers is de-scribed. In conclusion, we summarize the gaps in the current evidence and make suggestions for future research and im-proved global public health related to electronic ...

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Measures to Divert Construction and Demotion Waste from …

The construction industry contributes a considerable share of total waste, which is disposed off at landfill facilities. Disposing construction and demolition waste (CDW) results to a number of environmental challenges including the release of greenhouse gas emissions, pollution of land and water resources, destruction of habitats and land degradation in addition to human …

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Environmental effects of plastic waste recycling

Package and reuse and recycling of plastic waste is at the very heart of such strategy2. To support the EU Plastic Strategy with quantitative figures, this study estimates the potential environmental effects (savings or burdens) achieved with recycling of a number of relevant polymers at EU level. These

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Recycling Basics and Benefits | US EPA

Environmental Justice: Across the country, waste management facilities are concentrated in underserved communities, and they can have negative impacts on human health, property values, aesthetic and recreation values, and land productivity. Recycling provides these areas with a healthier and more sustainable alternative. International: Waste generated in the …

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