Concrete Waste Material Sand Production

Home | Concrete Waste Material Sand Production

Sustainable materials for 3D concrete

The life cycle of the concrete/material used for 3D of concrete is given schematically in Fig. 1, considering all processes including the mining of raw materials used in cement and aggregate production, transportation of concrete and other materials, production of electricity, pumping of concrete, , construction, maintenance, and the end-of-life …

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Utilization of desert sand in the production of sustainable …

With the rapid development of urbanization, the requirement for infrastructure has increased exponentially. At present, cement-based materials (CBMs) are used as the main raw materials for infrastructure construction due to their low cost, wide source of raw materials and superior performance [1], [2].Around 11.5 billion tons of concrete materials is annually …

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Sustainable Alternate Materials for Concrete Production …

Natural resources are being continuously extracted for the production of concrete which leads to degradation of the ecosystem. This is also a challenge for sustainability to save Nature. This study seeks to identify a suitable replacement material for river sand and stone aggregate for the sustainable utilization of renewable sources. Manufactured sand (M-sand) …

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Utilization of desert sand in the production of sustainable …

The sustainability of CBM containing waste material becomes an important concern, therefore, it is crucial to consider its economic and environmental impact in order to elevate the sustainability of CBMs [110], [111]. ... This research sheds light on the potential of desert sand in sustainable concrete production, contributing to environmental ...

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Effectiveness of wood waste sawdust to produce medium

Many developed countries like Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Brazil permit the use of industrial waste and recycled concrete to produce low-strength non-structural concrete. According to ACI 229R [38], low-strength concrete materials can have a strength as low as 10 MPa. As such, sawdust concrete is suitable as an alternative material for various ...

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Chemical recycling and use of various types of concrete waste…

Concrete is one of the most widely used materials globally with water being the only material that is used in larger quantities (Xuan et al., 2018).The International Energy Agency reported that ∼25 Gt of concrete is used each year globally (WBCSD and IEA, 2009), which is equivalent to > 3.8 t of concrete per person per year (Petek Gursel et al., 2014).

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Insight into the perspectives of waste foundry sand as a …

Foundry sand is the raw material required for making metal-casting sand molds, which are frequently recycled during the casting process. Foundry sand loses its quality after repetitive use, making it unsuitable for use in the process of manufacturing products, and later, is subsequently thrown away as waste, i.e., WFS (Ankush et al., 2017).High-quality silica sand …

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