Replacement Of Sand By Steel Slag Pdf

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Effect of Steel Slag As Partial Replacement of Cement …

of Steel slag within the material. Material Used Steel Slag Steel Slag is formed from steel cutting factories during the sawing and finishing of steel parts, and almost 20 - 25% of the processed steel is converted into the powder. Deletion of the Steel Slag from the steel cutting places is a noteworthy environmental trouble today.

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Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High …

Figure 7 illustrates the tensile strength results for UHPC samples incorporating varying percentages of steel slag as a replacement for silica sand. The results reveal that the tensile strength of the mixtures increases as the replacement percentage of silica sand with steel slag rises up to 50%, achieving a notable improvement of 7%.

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Comparative Analysis of Slag Sand with Partial …

CONCRETE WITH 50% REPLACEMNT OF SAND BY STEEL SLAG DAYS STRENGTH CONCRETE 50% 7 15.65 28 23.5 V. CONCLUSION The Compressive strength of Cubes is increased with the partial replacement of fine aggregate up to 40% replace by weight of sand and further any partial replacement of sand with slag sand lead to a decrease

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Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of …

4. Steel Slag 945 ii. Mix Ratio for 23% replacement of steel slag Table 2: Ratio for 23% replacement S. No. Material Weight (g) 1. Cement 1500 2. M - Sand 2250 3. Course Aggregate 3465 4. Steel Slag 1035 iii. Mix Ratio for 25% replacement of steel slag Table 3: Ratio for 25% replacement S. No. Material Weight (g) 1. Cement 1500 2. M - Sand 2250 3.

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However, when the Steel Slag replacement exceeded 15%, compressive strength decreased. Thus, it is concluded that replacing 15% of cement with Steel Slag is optimal for concrete performance. 3. Split Tensile Strength: Similar to compressive strength, the split tensile strength increased with a 5% replacement of cement with Steel Slag and

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Utilization of steel slag as partial replacement for coarse …

The utilization of steel slag for industrial and construction purposes has gained significant attention in recent years due to its abundant availability and potential environmental benefits. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing steel slag as a coarse aggregate in concrete, aiming to determine the optimal replacement percentages for desired mechanical …

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proportion of crushed stone sand and slag sand. Anzar, [16], Amiya et al, [17], Vamsimohan et al, [13] and Nataraja et al, [10] have also tested the fresh concrete for its workability. Amiya et al, [17] have found that the higher strength than control concrete is achieved at 70% of replacement of river sand by slag sand beyond

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Effect of steel slag on the properties of self compacting …

Study Of Strength Properties of Concrete by Using steel slag and the walnut shell is reported by B. Venkatesan et al. [2], 40% of steel slag and 20% of walnut shell noted as the optimum under compression and tensile strength trial. Assessment of steel slag as replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete was explained by S.I.Adedokun et al. [3 ...

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of using iron slag as partial replacement of sand in concrete. Iron and steel making slag are by products of the iron making and steelmaking processes. To date, these types of slag have been widely used in cement and as aggregate for civil works. The report presents an investigation of mechanical and durability properties of concrete by adding ...

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