Quality Of Barapukuria Mine

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Heavy Metals Contamination Assessment of Water and …

In order to evaluate the heavy metals contamination of groundwater in Barapukuria Coal Mine (BCM) area and its vicinity, nine groundwater samples from different location, two waste water either treated and/or untreated that were used to irrigate in and around the coal mine areas, three surficial soil samples (~20cm depth) and a coal dust sample were collected during March, …

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Barapukuria Coal Mine

Empower your strategies with our Barapukuria Coal Mine report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. ... Barapukuria Coal Mine was curated by the best experts in the industry and we are confident about its unique quality. However, we want you to make the most ...

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Coal mining impacts on water environs around the Barapukuria …

Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL) is the first developed coal mine in Bangladesh, which lies between the latitudes 23°31′45′′and 23°33′05′′N and the longitudes 88°57′48′′ and 88°58′53′′E (Fig. 1).Primarily in 1985, the Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) reported about existence of the Gondwana coal at shallower depth (129.57 m) in Barapukuria …

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From the field observation it is apparent that the color of coal leached drainage water and the agricultural land water are blackish and slightly blackish respectively, which pollutes surface water and the agricultural land. The study showed the present status of the water quality through analyzing different parameters including color, temperature, pH, EC, DO, TDS, BOD, …

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Environmental impacts of subsidence around the Barapukuria Coal Mining

2.1 Geographic setting of the mine area. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (Fig. 1) lies between the latitudes 23°31′45″ and 23°33′05″N and the longitudes 88°57′48″ and 88°58′53″E.This coal field stretches 4.9 km northeast, with proved area of approximately 5.8 km 2, and has an unproved possible extension area to the south approximately 1–1.5 km 2 …

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