Sedimentation Kaolin Polyacrylamides

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Polyacrylamide-treated kaolin: A fabric study

The kaolin used in this study was an untreated kaolin from Wilkinson Kaolin Associates LLC (Gordon, Georgia). The chemical composition (Table 1) is approximately that of pure kaolinite as defined by Murray (1991) with a small content of impurities.The kaolin was converted to a monoionic sodium kaolin using a conversion method modified after van Olphen …

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Effect of polyacrylamide polymers on floc size and …

The influence of cationic and anionic polyacrylamides (PAM) on the floc size, ... particles into larger particles is common practice in order to effect an efficient solid–liquid separation by gravity sedimentation. When these submicron-sized particles are aggregated either by polymer-induced flocculation or by salt-induced coagulation, the ...

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The effect of polyacrylamide charge density and molecular …

This type of behaviour is observed by Pearse and Barnett [9] who carried out filtration experiments using kaolin flocculated with different polyacrylamides. These authors report that the mechanically strong flocs produced by cationic polymers are much more effective in filtration than the weakly structured flocs resulting from the use of ...

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Studies on flocculation and dewatering of kaolin …

The adsorption of PAM-A on kaolin is governed by a combination of both physisorption and chemisorption.The optimum flocculation concentration of PAM-A for fresh kaolin as well as surfactant-pretreated kaolin corresponds to about 50% coverage of the surface (i.e. Γ opt. floc ≈Γ ∞ /2). Pretreatment of kaolin with all three surfactants form bigger flocs with PAM-A.

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Polyacrylamide-treated kaolin: A fabric study

to understand fabric development in kaolin–polyacrylamide systems by investigating the impact of charge type and chain length of poly-acrylamide on the behavior of kaolin over a wide range of solids contents and strain conditions. Sedimentation tests (low solids con-tent, zero strain condition), viscosity measurements (intermediate

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The effect of colloid concentration and pH on kaolin …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The effect of colloid concentration and pH on kaolin suspensions flocculated with cationic polyacrylamides of high molar mass" by R. Gill et al. ... The impact of desilication products on the flocculation and sedimentation properties of bauxite residue. A. Senaputra. Environmental Science, Materials Science ...

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Effects of Surface Charge and Shear During

ABSTRACT Suspensions of negatively charged kaolin clay as a model system have been flocculated by adsorbing nonionic, cationic, and anionic polyelectrolytes under shear. Test results show that the maximum rate of settling increases with charge density of the cationic polymer being used. Both cylinder test and jar test using low shear conditions tend to underestimate …

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Differently charged polyacrylamides (PAMs) significantly …

Differently from the removal efficiency of water turbidity after sedimentation, ... kaolin (Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 /H 2 Al 2 Si 2 O 8 ·H 2 O; chemical grade; formula weight, 258.16; Shanghai, ... In the present study, the role of cationic, anionic and nonionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) in ballasted flocculation of clay suspensions was comparatively ...

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The effect of polyacrylamide charge density and molecular …

The effects of the surface charge and molecular weight of anionic and cationic polyacrylamide (PAM) on the surface chemistry, settling rates, floc sizes and sediment bed compactness of kaolinite suspensions has been investigated at pH 7. At optimum polymer concentrations, the kaolinite floc sizes were larger and the settling rates greater in the …

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Effect of Multivalent Salts—Calcium and Aluminum

The effects of calcium and aluminum ions on the interaction behavior of anionic polyacrylamide (anionic PAM or HPAM) and kaolin are important in determining the efficient flocculation of kaolin. While kaolin surfaces are negatively charged in media such as water, they exhibit the positive surface charge characteristic at pH below 3.2 in the solution of calcium …

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Floc size studies on kaolin suspensions flocculated with …

Standard kaolin suspensions were flocculated with four cationic polyacrylamides of varying molar mass but the same cationic charge density. Floc size measurements at pH 5.0 were carried out using the Malvern 3600-D particle sizer. ... The flocculant performance was characterised by measuring the sedimentation behaviour as well as the residual ...

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Differently charged polyacrylamides (PAMs) significantly …

Differently from the removal efficiency of water turbidity after sedimentation, ... kaolin (Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) ... In the present study, the role of cationic, anionic and nonionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) in ballasted flocculation of clay suspensions was comparatively evaluated at three representative dosages of aluminum sulfate (AS) coagulant ...

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