Reality Mining Sensing Complex Social Systems

Home | Reality Mining Sensing Complex Social Systems

Nathan Eagle Alex (Sandy) Pentland Reality mining: …

Reality mining: sensing complex social systems Received: 5 October 2004/ Accepted: 15 April 2005/Published online: 3 November 2005 ... Keywords Mobile phones Æ Bluetooth Æ Complex social systems Æ Wearable computing Æ User modeling 1 Introduction The last 10 years could rightly be coined the decade of the mobile phone. In 2004, over 600 ...

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Reality mining: sensing complex social systems | BibSonomy

We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from 100 mobile phones over the course of 9 months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephones to measure information access and use in different contexts, recognize social patterns in daily user activity, infer relationships, identify socially …

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Reality mining: sensing complex social systems

PDF | We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from 100 mobile phones over the course of 9 months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephones to measure information access and use in different contexts, recognize social patterns in daily user activity, infer relationships, identify socially …

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Social Behavior Prediction Through Reality Mining

[1] N. Eagle and A. Pentland, "Reality mining: sensing complex social systems, "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 255–268, 2006. [2] K Carley[2] K. Carley, "Dynamic network analysisDynamic network analysis," in Dynamic social network modeling and analysis: Workshopin Dynamic social network modeling and analysis ...

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Reality mining Definition

Define Reality mining. sensing complex social systems" Examples of Reality mining in a sentence. Reality mining provides the chance to adapt more quickly and more accurately to changing situations.. Reality mining can be done in three main ways:42(1) "Continuous data analysis over streaming data," using tools to scrape the Web to monitor and analyse high-frequency online …

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Reality Mining

* Up to this point – the talk has be focused on analysis of complex social systems – in this last slide I'm going to briefly go over our system of intervention into complex social systems – with the launch of Serendipity. ... "Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems", Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 10 (4 ...

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Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems

Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems. Authors. Nathan Eagle; Alex Pentland; Publication date 2005. Publisher. Doi. Cite. Abstract We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from one hundred mobile phones over the course of six months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile ...

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Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems

We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from 100 mobile phones over the course of 9 months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephones to measure information access and use in different contexts, recognize social patterns in daily user activity, infer relationships, identify socially …

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Reality mining of animal social systems

The increasing miniaturisation of animal-tracking technology has made it possible to gather exceptionally detailed machine-sensed data on the social dynamics of almost entire populations of individuals, in both terrestrial and aquatic study systems. Here, we review important issues concerning the collection of such data, and their processing and analysis, to identify the most …

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Reality mining of animal social systems

Reality mining of animal social systems. Author links open overlay panel Jens Krause 1 2, Stefan Krause 3, Robert Arlinghaus 1 2, Ioannis Psorakis 4 5, ... Reality mining: sensing complex social systems. Pers. Ubiqui. Comput. (2006) N. Eagle Inferring friendship network structure by using mobile phone data. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

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Reality Mining : Data Mining or something else

Reality mining is defined as "collection and analysis of machinesensed environmental data pertaining to human social behavior, with the goal of identifying predictable patterns of behavior". As such it can be understood as a particular application area of data mining. ... Reality mining: sensing complex social systems. N. Eagle A. Pentland ...

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Reality mining: sensing complex social systems | Personal …

We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from 100 mobile phones over the course of 9 months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephones to measure information access and use in different contexts, recognize social patterns in daily user activity, infer relationships, identify socially …

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Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems Nathan …

The study collected Bluetooth and cell tower data from 100 phone users over 450,000 hours to model routines and social networks. It found predictable individual routines and dynamic proximity networks that changed in response to work demands and events. Complex social systems were uncovered through dense, continuous mobile phone sensor data.

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Reality mining: sensing complex social systems

We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from 100 mobile phones over the course of 9 months. We demonstrate the ability to use standard Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephones to measure information access and use in different contexts, recognize social patterns in daily user activity, infer relationships, identify socially …

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Modeling Social Diffusion Phenomena using Reality Mining …

Reality mining: sensing complex social systems. N. Eagle A. Pentland. ... A wearable computing research platform for measuring and analyzing human behavior can be used to understand social systems and discuss how this system can lead to an automatic intervention system that could optimize the social network in real time by facilitating the ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems

Eagle, N., and Pentland, A., "Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems"', J. of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.To appear: June 2005. Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems Nathan Eagle and Alex (Sandy) Pentland MIT Media Laboratory 20 Ames St. Cambridge, MA 02139 {nathan, sandy} Abstract. We introduce a system for …

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Reality Mining

Reality Mining. This undirected network contains human contact data among 100 students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), collected by the Reality Mining experiment performed in 2004 as part of the Reality Commons project. ... Nathan Eagle and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Reality Mining: Sensing complex social systems. Personal ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems

Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems Nathan Eagle and Alex (Sandy) Pentland MIT Media Laboratory 20 Ames St. Cambridge, MA 02139 {nathan, sandy} Abstract. We introduce a system for sensing complex social systems with data collected from one hundred mobile phones over the course of six months. We

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