Vaal Reef Gold Mine Hospital

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Optimizing the life of ore passes in a deep-level gold mine

shaft in the Vaal River Basin, which is situated approximately 180 kilometres southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa. The mine is designed to exploit the Vaal Reef package, which is sited at 2 400 m to 3 200 m below surface, within the Moab Khotsong lease area. Several other mines in the vicinity are currently mining the Vaal Reef at depths of

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Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee

Ventersdorp Contact Reef Carbon Leader Reef Vaal Reef Basal Reef Kimberley Reef Composite/Main Reefs Other Reefs Off reef Number of fataliies Rockburst Rockfall Total Figure 1. Distribution of fatalities by reef 3.2 Production A total of approximately 9.5 million square metres was mined by the gold mining industry during the year 1999.

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Vaal Reefs Map

Vaal Reefs is a mine in City of Matlosana, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, North West Province and has an elevation of 1,316 metres. South Africa ... Vaal Reefs is a gold bearing reef which is mined near the town of Orkney in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province of South Africa.

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Vaal Reefs, 10 May 1995

A tragedy occurred at the Vaal Reefs' #2 Shaft near Orkney in North West province, when an underground locomotive crashed through a barrier into the shaft at a level of 1,700 metres below surface, falling onto a …

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About: Vaal Reefs

Vaal Reefs is a gold bearing reef which is mined near the town of Orkney in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province of South Africa. The town of Orkney is home to a large gold mining operation originally owned by AngloGold Ashanti, a company that was originally incorporated in 1944 under the name of Vaal Reefs Exploration and Mining Company Limited.

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Vaal Reefs Mine Map

Vaal Reefs Mine is a suburb in Moqhaka Local Municipality, Fezile Dabi District Municipality, Free State. Mapcarta, the open map. ... Vaal Reefs is a gold bearing reef which is mined near the town of Orkney in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province of South ... Duff Scott Hospital Hospital, 11 km north; Popular ...

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Vaal Reefs mining disaster

The Vaal Reefs mine disaster occurred on 10 May 1995 when an underground locomotive in the Vaal Reefs gold mine in South Africa fell into the mine shaft, hitting an elevator carrying mine workers, and causing it to plunge to the bottom of the shaft, killing 104 miners. [1] [2] It is the worst elevator accident in history. [3]

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Sequence stratigraphy of the Vaal Reef facies associations in …

Gold bearing conglomerates of the Witwatersrand Basin have generally been regarded as alluvial fan and fluvial in origin (e.g. Pretorius, 1976, Pretorius, 1981, Minter, 1978), a view that has persisted in part because the overall genetic stratigraphic setting has not been fully considered.Herein, we focus on the Vaal Reef deposit, preserved as a relatively thin (few …

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Stilfontein Gold Mine Near Klerksdorp, South Africa


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Major Mines & Projects | Moab Khotsong Mine

Moab Khotsong is the youngest of the South African deeplevel gold mines with three vertical shaft systems maintained to service the mine. The orebody is subdivided by major faults into three distinct geographical mining areas. ... gold and uranium mineralisation is also commonly observed within the A-middle and A-top sub-facies of the Vaal Reef ...

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A geometallurgical characterization of the Vaal Reef

M.Sc. (Geology) The Witwatersrand Supergroup is host to a number of auriferous and uraniferous conglomeratic reefs, which have been extensively exploited along the Witwatersrand Basin margins. The current study investigates the Vaal Reef, in the Klerksdorp gold field with particular focus on conducting a geometallurgical characterization of the ore …

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How gold formed in the Vaal Reef deposit | Physics Today

Arstechnica: The Vaal Reef deposit, which formed 3 billion years ago in South Africa's Witwatersrand basin, is one of the best gold deposits in the world. How the gold got there is uncertain, and the geological evidence is contradictory. In Nature Geoscience, ETH Zürich geologist Christoph Heinrich suggests a scenario that seems to fit all the observations. His …

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Major Mines & Projects | Moab Khotsong Mine

Carbon was preferentially precipitated in bedding-parallel fractures that most commonly followed the base of the Vaal Reef package (A-bottom sub-facies), however, gold and uranium mineralisation is also commonly observed within the A-middle and A-top sub-facies of the Vaal Reef. Gold was precipitated very soon after the carbon, giving the ...

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Vaal Reefs Leach Plant Near Klerksdorp, South Africa

Gold mining deposit report for "Deposit #19786" (#19786) in North West, South Africa. ... ORE RECOVERIES ARE FROM THREE HORIZONS (REEFS) : VAAL REEF, VENTERSDORP CONTACT REEF, AND ELSBURG REEF. MODERATE MINING COSTS ($84. 20/PER TROY OUNCE OF GOLD RECOVERED). Workings. Workings at the site. Workings #1. Type: …

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Vaal Reefs, 10 May 1995

The tragedy spurred a concerted push by mining stakeholders for revisions in legislation and the adoption of a holistic approach to mine health and safety. The Vaal Reefs accident was instructive in the drafting of a new legislation and presaged the promulgation of the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) 29 of 1996.

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Vaal Reefs Mine, South Africa, and the Role of the Geologist

Vaal Reefs Mine annually produces some 75 tonnes of gold. Stoping operations, using a scattered mining method, are conducted on several reef horizons within Witwatersrand Supergroup metasediments of the Klerksdorp Goldfield. Current grades average 7.19 g/t Au over a 133cm stoping width. The reef horizons, of which the Vaal Reef is the most important, …

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