Facebook Graph Api

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Get Started

Step 1: Open the Graph API Explorer tool. Open the Graph API Explorer in a new browser window. This allows you to execute the examples as you read this tutorial. The explorer loads with a default query with the GET method, the lastest version of the Graph API, the /me node and the id and name fields in the Query String Field, and your Facebook App.

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Metric Breakdown Description; impressions. n/a. Total number of times the IG Media object has been seen.. reach. n/a. Total number of unique Instagram accounts that have seen the IG Media object.. saved. n/a

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Suffix Description; _unique. Indicates that the metric shows the number of unique users who performed a specific action, for example page_impressions_unique.Metrics generated with the _unique suffix are approximate and may not be accurate.. _login

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Graph API Reference

The Graph API is the primary way to get data in and out of Facebook's social graph. It's a low-level HTTP-based API that you can use to query data, post new stories, upload photos and a variety of... Docs Tools Support

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Introducing Facebook Graph API v12.0 and Marketing API …

Conversions API: Expanding minimum callable version. Graph API Backwards Compatibility for Apps Created with One-Click Access Tokens Beginning with v12.0, newly created access tokens generated under the Conversions API settings tab in Events Manager are now supported by all available Graph API versions (see the supported versions here).. Please …

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The API only reports organic interaction metrics; interactions on ads containing a media object are not counted. Media metrics data is stored for up to 2 years. User Metrics data is stored for up to 90 days. You can only get insights for a single user at a time. You cannot get insights for Facebook Pages.

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Content Publishing

Reels Posts. Reels are short-form videos that are eligible to appear in the Reels tab of the Instagram app if they meet certain specifications and are selected by our algorithm. To publish a reel, follow the steps for publishing a single media post and include the media_type=REELS parameter along with the path to the video using the video_url parameter. ...

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enum {classic_literature, comedy, crafts, dance, drinks, fitness_and_workouts, foods, games, gardening, health_and_medical, healthy_living_and_self_care, home_and ...

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Facebook Graph API

Cấu trúc Facebook Graph API. Graph API được đặt tên theo ý tưởng "đồ thị xã hội" - đại diện cho các thông tin trên Facebook. Nó bao gồm: nodes (nút): là các đối tượng riêng như là người dùng, ảnh, trang cá nhân, ...

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Indicates a single range of opening hours for a day. Each day can have 2 different hours ranges. The keys in the map are in the form of {day}_{number}_{status}.{day} should be the first 3 characters of the day of the week, {number} should be either 1 or 2 to allow for the two different hours ranges per day.{status} should be either open or close to delineate the start or end of a …

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Instagram Graph API Like Counts. Applies to v11.0+. Will apply to all versions September 7, 2021. If indirectly querying an IG Media through another endpoint or field expansion, the like_count field will be omitted from API responses if the media owner has hidden like counts on it. Directly querying the IG Media (which can only be done by the IG Media …

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Introducing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API …

Today, we are releasing Facebook Graph API v19.0 and Marketing API v19.0. As part of this release, we are highlighting changes below that we believe are relevant to parts of our developer community. These changes include announcements, product updates, and notifications on deprecations on relevant application(s) integrations with our platform.

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Graph API

The Graph API is the primary way for apps to read and write to the Facebook social graph. All of our SDKs and products interact with the Graph API in some way, and our other APIs are extensions of the Graph API, so understanding how the Graph API works is crucial.

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Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests. Install composer globally, then run composer install to install required files.; Create a test app on Facebook Developers, then create tests/FacebookTestCredentials.php from …

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Paginated Results

In all cases, the API returns the correct pagination links. next: The Graph API endpoint that will return the next page of data. previous: The Graph API endpoint that will return the previous page of data.

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Partners who choose not to update to the latest Graph API will still be able to access Messaging Events API by calling Graph API version 20.0 or prior until the official product deprecation in September 2025. For Partners who do not update to the latest Graph API, we recommend they use the Conversions API for new integrations.

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Graph API Reference v21.0: Ad

Ads with Page Mentions. With Facebook's ads tools such as Ads Manager or light-weight interfaces, you can create an ad with a Page Mention.This displays a link in your ad which opens an advertiser's Facebook page. We do not provide this functionality in Marketing API.

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Graph Explorer Guide

Sample Query. Try executing the default query that appears when you first load the Graph API Explorer. If you haven't already, open the Graph API Explorer in a new window, select the app you want to test from the application dropdown menu, and get a User access token. The default query appears in the query string field:

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A Messenger conversation between a person and a Facebook Page or an Instagram Professional Account. Reading HTTP PHP SDK JavaScript SDK Android SDK iOS SDK Graph API Explorer

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