Longwall Ining Machinery

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Longwall Mining Overview | Introduction | underground COAL

LONGWALL MINING Overview. In the method of secondary extraction known as longwall mining a relatively long mining face (typically in the range 100 to 300m but may be longer) is created by driving a roadway at right angles between two roadways that form the sides of the longwall block, with one rib of this new roadway forming the longwall face ...

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Underground Coal Mining Methods and Engineering Dust …

The major equipment in the longwall system is the longwall shearer, which cuts and loads the coal onto the armored face conveyor (AFC) on which it rides. The shearer slices away about 42 in. of the coal seam every time it travels from one gate to the other. The shearer and the AFC are under a canopy of roof supports, called shields, each either ...

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Australian Specialised Machinery Glass

As experts in producing specialised machinery glass, we have developed products fit for any purpose. ... Unit 3/1-5 Longwall Place, Paget, QLD 4740. BLACKWATER BRANCH. ADDRESS: 26 Railway Street, Blackwater, QLD 4717. Our sister company. PHONE: 1300 429 622 | …

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Longwall Mining

Longwall mining is a highly productive underground coal mining technique. Longwall mining machines consist of multiple coal shearers mounted on a series of self-advancing hydraulic …

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Longwall mining

Longwall mining is a form of underground coal mining where a long wall of coal is mined in a single slice (typically 1-2 m thick). The longwall "panel" (the block of coal that is being mined) is typically 3-4 km long and 250-400 m wide. Longwall mining produced 176 million tons of coal in 2007, about 15 percent of total U.S. production.

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Latest Developments in Longwall Mining Technology

The spray zone moves with the mining machine back and forth through the longwall, and is considerably more effective than the standard dust-control systems built into shearers. This system has helped many mines around the world to greatly reduce dust and to stay well within the respective approved limits. longwall dust suppression system

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Longwall coal mine

Longwall development began in 1987 with the first face commissioned in 1989. Since that time, Twentymile has produced a cumulative total nearing 100Mt of coal, with Peabody planning major investment in new longwall equipment for the mine during 2005. Twentymile received a state environmental award for the success of its discharge water ...

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Longwall Shearers Selection Guide: Types, Features, …

Longwall shearers cut away the face of a coal seam in longwall mining operations by mounting over an armored face conveyor (AFC). They are equipped with cutting drums positioned against the coal seam by ranging arms powered by hydraulic rams. They can weigh more than 100 tons, travel at speeds up to 30 m/min, and cut away slices of coal seams up to 100 cm thick.

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Longwall :: Home

Many of the world's most productive, record-breaking longwall operations choose Longwall Associates' custom designs for hard-working, reliable, long-lasting mining equipment.

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Cutting cycles

LONGWALL consultant Andrew Rutherford suggests in this article that longwall miners consider the half-web cutting cycle, an adaptation of the commonly used uni-directional technique with bi-directional gate sequences. ... Mine operators should not shy away from purchasing new longwall equipment because it is only 10 years old. The longwall ...

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Mining Engineering

Lecture 32: Underground Mining Machinery Shuttle Car; Lecture 33: Longwall Mining Machinery Shearer; Lecture 34: Longwall Mining Machinery Armored Face Conveyor; Lecture 35: Longwall Mining Machinery Power Support "Module 08: Lecture 36: Mine Pumps; Lecture 37: Mine Pumps : Special Pumps; Lecture 38: Basic Pumping Theory; Lecture 39: Air Compressor

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Shearers | Longwall

Since then, Joy shearers have been working in the world's most productive longwall mines and in the most demanding conditions. Models are available for seam ranges from 1.3 to 9.0 meters (4.3 to 30 ft.). ... Longwall mining is an …

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Longwalls Lead the Way Underground

Longwall Associates works with many mines rebuilding or installing new equipment between longwall moves. "We have been very busy," said Dennis Heninger, engineering manager, Longwall Associates. "For the past year or two, we have been focusing heavily on what's really important to our customers, such as becoming more efficient with ...

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Remote Longwall Operations and the Future of Sustainable …

Remote and autonomous mining technologies have grown from a high-tech niche to a dominant market position. This growth has been spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns put in place to stem it, increased pressure on mine operators to work as efficiently as possible due to economic circumstances, and the applicability of ruggedized technology to the …

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Longwall Mining

The longwall equipment is installed in this connecting roadway and the block is progressively extracted on the retreat. The method is not subject to many of the impediments associated with longwall mining on the advance and has a lower exposure to others. However, serious ground control difficulties can be associated with supporting and ...

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Appendix C. Underground Mining Methods

Figure A4. Longwall mining areas outlined with room-and-pillar areas. Longwall machinery is set up on the face of the block of coal opposite to the main entry to the mine. Coal is mined towards the mine entry. (Adapted from Given et. al 1973). The benefits of longwall mining include a greater coal recovery rate than the room-and-pillar

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Longwall Mining

Longwall miners extract "panels" - rectangular blocks of coal as wide as the mining machinery and as long as 12,000 feet (3,650 meters). Massive shearers cut coal from a wall face, which falls onto a conveyor belt for removal.

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Punch Multi-slice Longwall Mining System for Thick

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Longwall Shearer Automation: From Research to Reality

The eight year longwall automation project yielded novel inertial navigation solu-tions for the guidance of underground mining equipment which are now covered by international patents [4]. In particular a Shearer Position Measurement System (SPMS) was developed to provide 3D measurement of a longwall shearing machine with centimetre accuracy.

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