London Mining Vehicles Sierra Leone

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Lunsar blasts London Mining Company in Sierra Leone

Hundreds of residents of Lunsar town in the northern Port Loko district have blasted the iron ore miner, London Mining Company. They vented out their palpable feeling of anger at a 2-hour long debate organised by the BBC Media Action for community people, their leaders and mining companies, to discuss the benefits of minerals in their locality.

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Sierra Leone, including any legislation amending the same or substituted thereof and all regulations and rules from time to time in force thereunder. "Mining Lease" means Mining Lease NO.ML.2/09 dated the 31of August ... LONDON MINING or LM plc, (ii) any provision of law applicable to LONDON MINING or LM plc on the date hereof or (iii) ...

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List of Mining Companies in Sierra Leone

The Future of Mining in Sierra Leone. The future of mining in Sierra Leone looks promising. The country's rich mineral resources, coupled with the government's commitment to sustainable development, provide a solid foundation for growth. Technological advancements are expected to play a significant role.

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Briefing on London Mining Agreement in Sierra Leone

Briefing for National Advocacy Coalition on the Extractives, Sierra Leone (April 2012) This briefing analyses the fiscal terms of the revised mining agreement between the UK-based London Mining with the government of Sierra Leone. It finds that while the new agreement is an improvement over the current one it contains 11 provisions inconsistent ...

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London Mining plc condemned in Sierra Leone

National Advocacy Coalition on the Extractives (NACE), Sierra Leone MEDIA RELEASE Freetown, 4 March 2010 Dangerous draft mining contract about to be enacted, NACE warns A mining agreement between the government and UK-based Company, London Mining, contains numerous concessions to the company which contravene the new Minerals Act.

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Leone Rock Pours Over Le2.9Bn Ferengbeya-Magburaka Road

There is no secret that the road leading from Magburaka to the iron ore mining site of Ferengbeya in Tonkolili district, Northern Province of Sierra Leone has been in dilapidated condition. This has seen communities in that part of the country struggle to access many life-saving amenities like quality health care, education, food and safe ...

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Lost Glory or Poor Legacy? The Past as a Political …

The Past as a Political Instrument in a Sierra Leonean Mining Town Robert Jan Pijpers Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg Abstract: During the 2006‒2014 mining boom in Marampa Chiefdom, Sierra Leone, local discourse around the performance and responsibilities of iron-ore mining company London Mining concerning

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Sierra Leone: Five Largest Surface Mines in 2021

Tonkolili Mine in Western Area, was the largest surface mine in Sierra Leone, producing approximately 15.17 million metric tons per annum (mmtpa) of Run-of-Mine (ROM) in 2021. The Tonkolili Mine is owned by China Kingho Energy Group Co Ltd, and is due to operate until 2074. The second largest surface mine with an estimated 8.99 mmtpa of ROM and primarily …

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Sierra Leone

The largest diamond found in Sierra Leone was a 970-carat diamond dubbed the 'Star of Sierra Leone', and this is, to date, the third-largest diamond ever found. Four of the 20-largest diamonds in the world are from Sierra Leone. Just under a year ago, a local artisanal miner found a 709-carat diamond in Eastern Sierra Leone, which

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London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets)

The current revenue for London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets) is 000000. Who are London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets)'s investors? London Mining has invested in London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets). When was London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets) acquired? London Mining (Sierra Leone mining assets) was acquired on 03-Nov ...

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