The Mineral Fluorite Information And Pictures

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Fluorite and Fluorspar: Mineral uses and properties

Fluorite is very easy to identify if you consider cleavage, hardness, and specific gravity. It is the only common mineral that has four directions of perfect cleavage, often breaking into pieces with the shape of an octahedron. It is also the mineral used for a hardness of four in the Mohs Hardness Scale. Finally, it has a specific gravity of 3 ...

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Boulangerite: The mineral boulangerite information and pictures

Boulangerite typically forms in a unique crystal habit of fine acicular crystals that appear as woven, hair-like fibers. The thin fibers, which can be very thick covering an entire specimen, or thinly spaced on a matrix, are often bent or interwoven due to their flexibility.Boulangerite also forms as dense, hairy inclusions within other crystals, especially Calcite and Quartz.

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Fluorite: Mineral information, data and localities.

Fluorite has seven main crystal forms: the most common Are the cube {100}, octahedron {111} and dodecahedron {110}; these forms having fixed Miller indices); and the tetrahexahedron {hk0}, trapezohedron {h11}, trisoctahedron {hhl} and hexoctahedron {hkl} (less common to quite rare crystal forms, having variable Miller indices). Combinations of two or more of these forms are …

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Galena: The mineral galena information and pictures

Galena is by far the greatest ore of lead. The extraction process to remove the lead from the sulfur is very simple, thus lead has been extracted from Galena since the earliest times. Galena from certain regions is rich in silver, and some specimens may contain as much as 20 percent silver. Because of this, silver-rich Galena is also an ore of silver. . Another use of Galena was …

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Scapolite: The mineral scapolite information and pictures

Scapolite is a mineral series consisting of two very similar minerals: sodium-rich Marialite and calcium-rich Meionite.The two Scapolites also differ in that Meionite has a carbonate radical in place of chlorine that is present in Marialite. The two Scapolite minerals are often visibly indistinguishable from each other, and they also form unclassified intermediary examples …

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Pyrite: The mineral pyrite information and pictures

Pyrite was once used as a source of sulfur, but is now only a minor ore for both sulfur and iron. Pyrite from some localities is auriferous, and therefore is used as an ore of gold in gold-bearing localities.Pyrite was polished by the Native Americans in the early times and used as mirrors. Today, it is used as an ornamental stone, as well as a very popular stone for amateur collectors.

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Pyrrhotite: The mineral pyrrhotite information and pictures

The variation of iron in Pyrrhotite's structure is also responsible for more than one crystal symmetry type, allowing it to form in both hexagonal and monoclinic symmetries. Multiple crystal symmetries should technically classify Pyrrhotite as a mineral group rather than a single mineral, but a sub-classification is rarely made due to polytypes appearing similar and perhaps even …

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Barite: The mineral Barite information and pictures

We strive for accurate content and locality information. If you feel any of the content is incorrect, or if you feel we are missing vital locality information, please fill out the form below so we can update the site. If you are requesting a locality be added, please only include significant locality occurences for the mineral.

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Borax: The mineral Borax information and pictures

Borax occurs in arid regions, forming from evaporation of saline lakes. Borax is also synthetically formed as a by-product of mining operations of borate deposits, and most of the specimens from the famous mine at Boron, California, are formed this way. The first Borax specimens came several dry lake deposits in Tibet. They were shipped in large quantities by ancient caravans …

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Willemite: The mineral willemite information and pictures

Botryoidal Willemite groups are found in the Potosí Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico. Brown, drusy crystals were found in the type locality at Kelmis, Moresnet, Belgium. In Namibia, Berg Aukas, in the Grootfontein District, produces acicular Willemite crystals. The most significant locality after the Franklin District is Tsumeb, Namibia, which has produced …

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Schorl tourmaline: The mineral Schorl information and pictures

Schorl is best known as "Black Tourmaline".Although other forms of Tourmaline may be black, Schorl is exclusively black and, unlike other Tourmaline forms, is never transparent or even translucent.In a few rare instances, it may be intergrown together with Elbaite, with a specimen being part Schorl and part Elbaite. Schorl is the most common form of Tourmaline.

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Elbaite tourmaline: The mineral Elbaite information and pictures

Among the most noteworthy sources of Elbaite is the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where outstanding forms and colors of this beautiful Tourmaline are found in numerous pegmatite localities. Specific famed locality names in Minas Gerais include Aracuai, Barra do Salinas, Conselheiro Pena, Golconda, Governador Valadares, Itambacuri, Ouro Preto, Sao Jose do …

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Fluorite: The gemstone fluorite information and pictures

Most Fluorite gemstones are from deeply colored stones, but they can also be cut from the less intense color forms. The most popular color for Fluorite is purple, and deep purple Fluorite can closely resemble Amethyst.Fluorite is often brightly fluorescent in ultraviolet light.In fact, the term fluorescence is derived from Fluorite. Due to the very low hardness and perfect cleavage of …

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Fluorite and Fluorspar: Mineral uses and properties

Fluorite is an important industrial mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2). It is used in a wide variety of chemical, metallurgical, and ceramic processes. Specimens with exceptional diaphaneity and color are cut into gems or used to make ornamental objects. Fluorite has a wide variety of uses. The primar…

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Clinozoisite: The mineral clinozoisite information and pictures

Clinozoisite is the same as Zoisite but crystallizes in the monoclinic system, which scientifically classifies it as an individual mineral species. Clinozoisite is also almost identical in composition to Epidote but lacks significant iron in its structure.It forms a series with Epidote, and in many cases the actual distinction between these two minerals cannot be made.

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The 9 Different Types Of Fluorite (With Photos)

Fluorite is a colorful mineral that comes in many different forms. Some good examples of the different types of fluorite include Blue John fluorite, Tiffany Stone, and rainbow fluorite. Each type of fluorite has its own set of colors and patterns. These variations make fluorite a fascinating subject for many people to learn about.

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Bismuthinite: The mineral bismuthinite information and pictures

Bismuthinite is an uncommon bismuth mineral that forms in interesting crystal habits. It generally forms in bismuth deposits, and may even form in together with Native Bismuth.. Bismuthinite is structurally similar to Stibnite, with a similar appearance, but they occur in different environments, and Stibnite can form in much larger and robust crystals.

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The Mineral chalcocite

Chalcocite forms from the alteration of other minerals, especially other copper sulfides such as Bornite, Covellite, and Chalcopyrite, and may also form pseudomorphs after these minerals. It often forms in association with Chrysocolla, with the Chrysocolla forming as an alteration around the Chalcocite.Chalcocite is named after the Greek word chalcos, which means "copper" in …

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Fluorite Properties, Facts and Photos

Fluorite is a natural mineral composed of calcium and fluorine. It represents one of the widest ranges of colour of any natural mineral. Although often described as 'the most colourful mineral in the world,' fluorite is colourless in its purest form.

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